Sunday, September 20, 2009

One Year Anniversary For Calvin's Canadian Cave Of Coolness - Favorite Posts Part 1

Drink your Hawaiian Punch and enjoy the ceremonial cupcakes - the Cave of Cool is open for a party. Who would have thought that I would find some purpose in my life with this little exercise in self indulgence. You do me honor with your visits and your comments and especially your friendship. For as long as the cephaolopods threaten us, I and my army of kitties and 'Agents in Shadow' will fight to protect the future. This is only the first part of my weeklong celebration to the greatness that is life in the Cave of Cool. I have alot to review and alot of people to thank so indulge me. Here are the first set of some of my favorite posts. I await your feedback.

The Shit Knife

What Is My Tarrot Card Quiz?

50th Post - Star Wars Memories

Cuspers, Tweeners, or Generation Jones

Things I Can Do Without In '09

Magneto's Testament


Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! I'm sorry it took me so long to find your kick ass blog, it's now become a must read. Keep on bloggin' my Canadian brother.

joe ackerman said...

happy birthday to you, fella!!! blog on!!!

Chase March said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

I always enjoy dropping by for a visit to your Cave of Coolness. Keep doing what you are doing.

Best wishes for Year 2!

Wings1295 said...

Happy Anniversarabirthday!

You know I love spending time in the ol' Cave. Nothing wackier than this place, that's for sure!

Keep up the good fight, Cal. We will all be here, to help, to watch, to read and chuckle along with ya.

Here's to many, many more!

The League said...

Happy Anniversary to CCCoC!

May you never lose momentum, readership, or the will to fight the tentacled beasts who would kill us all.

Drake said...

You make reading blogs a pleasure.
I expect many more blogs!

Wandering Coyote said...

My favourite is still the Tyrannosaurus on drugs one!

You are so prolific! I can't keep up with you!