Tuesday, December 15, 2009

CCC Of C Silver Bullet Award 5


Its that time again. Time for me to award the coveted Silver Bullet award to someone who history should remember as a greedy opportunist who singlehandedly killed any meaningful reform in heath care just so he could stay in the pocket of the insurance lobby and big pharma. I of course am talking about Joseph 'droopy' Lieberman. How ONE person could stop something so needed in America is beyond my understanding. What gives him the right? I assumed (falsely) that the 'checks and balances' built into the American system are there to insure that this kind of tyranny DID NOT happen.

Only three months ago this douchebag was telling everyone who would give him a forum that he was for the 'public option' and would fight to make sure that real change was done for 'the American people'. I so hate when politicians use that phrase because it is so condescending and disingenuous. They should wink everytime they say those words because its all a scam, a lie that for some reason never gets challenged by the supposed 'media' which has a duty to hold the creeps in Congress accountable. That never happens. The media is more concerned with the circus of the month (today that circus is Tiger Woods) than promoting anything meaningful.

I bet now you are going to tell me that the media is powerless and are just giving the people what they want. They want what you are selling because you use your talents to make the frivolous seem important. You manipulate the facts so that no one can make an informed decision.

I am hoping that once this watered down bill hits the President's desk that he will veto it and demand they go back and make it right. He, of course, will not do this. The President WILL sign this bill and everyone will crow about the great thing they have achieved. I then will cut Obama loose and see him for what he is - just another politician. The faith everyone put in him to do good things will die on the vine.

Everything then goes back the way it was. Lobbyists will continue to fill the pockets of the politicians while the people get the screwgie put to them once again. No one will complain. This is what everyone wanted right? Health care premiums will rise, people will be denied coverage and die for want of a health care policy that doesn't have a profit motive attached to it.

We can all feel good because Joe Lieberman was there to do what was best for the 'American people'. Thanks for saving us from ourselves Joe because without your wisdom we would have gotten a bad health care bill. You should be proud of yourself.
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Artman2112 said...

we're definitely not in agreement on this issue as i feel the government has NO business getting invloived in health care. weather we 'need' it or not is irrelevent, it is not their responsibility to provide it. we all 'need' a retirement fund too (i.e. Social security) and we can see how well they've done with that. Socialist BS, like a cancer spreading wildly, rotting my country from the inside out. i wish they'd just stick to their job and protect the rights of the American citizens and stop trying to run our lives.
ok, rant over ;)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

That is a perfectly reasonable way to look at the issue. I come from the viewpoint that a little socialism can be a good thing because there are somethings I don't want to have to worry about -healthcare being one of them.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Liberman is a traitor to his party and to the people who elected him. And artman2112 is a douchebag.

Artman2112 said...

oh man Cal you're really asking for it, lol! however, i wont go into a pro-capitalist diatribe lest the Dr call me more mean names....

but just remember Cal when you tell the government, yes please take care of THIS for me, i dont wanna have to 'worry'(i.e. be responsible) about it, one of them somewhere along the line will get the idea hey if he doesnt wanna worry about this, how about this too, and that, and those and how about these over here....

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

We all have learned in the past year how unregulated capitalism can bite everyone in the ass. Freedom from government control usually equates to a few people getting rich and the majority getting the screwgie put to them. The government is the only entity large enough to put stop gap measures in place so that the markets do not implode sending the ENTIRE WORLD into recession. Our regualations are what saved us from going into as deep of a recession as you did. We couldn't avoid all the damage because our economy is so tied up with yours. You make it sound like I want the government to be in charge of all facets of my life and that is just not true. Take care of the big things - universal health care, a level playing field so that small businesses can prosper, a safety net to capture those who fall on hard times (usually through no fault of their own) or who need such help because of handicaps. Maybe its just the difference between our two countries. Anyone who can't measure up in America are cast out to die in the wilderness. To quote Dr. Phil - "How is that workin for you?" We are willing here to do with a little less, pay a little more tax so that everyone can have a piece of the pie and reach their full potential. Check out the lists that come out every year about the best places to live, all things included, and we are always at the top or in the top 3. That may be socialism but it works pretty good. My quality of life will always be better than yours. With government handling healthcare our industries can compete on the world stage and are not dragged down by the costs of giving health care to their employees. You want to see real capitalism flourish then you would take those burdens off companies and have the government take them over. I hope this topic doesn't hurt our relationship. I lost people with the religion talk and now this economic stuff has the same potential to be a dealbreaker for some.

Artman2112 said...

Cal you wound me! unlike some others around here i dont take things personally when you agree OR disagree with me on my views!

now, how can you possibly know for certain that your quality of life will ALWAYS be better than mine when you havent even met me!!

i dont think you want the gov taking over all facets of your life. only an idiot would actually want that (and they ARE out there!) but the gov is like that big huge plant in Little Shop of Horrors. feed it a little and it growns and then needs more and more and more, and pretty soon it takes without asking.

oh and i dont for one second claim America to be a capitalist country...it WAS at one time very close to a pure capitalist nation but those days are LONG gone. there are a LOT of things to blame for the recent economic meltdown, not just simply a lack of politicians telling people how to run their business.

i think small businesses would have a much better chance to prosper if they werent strangled by so many taxes, many of which go to fund socialist programs i.e. social security, medicare etc etc. more taxation to fund the new health care reform AND the faltering social security system will merely put an even bigger burden on small businesses. yes it will level the playing field literally because the big corporations are the ones that will be able to handle the hit. small businsses will not.

do you honestly believe that in a socialist society EVERYONE has a fair shake? that's the same brand of BS they tried to sell the Russian people all those years ago but what happened was the exact thing you said that happens in America: a very few get stinking rich while most are trampled underfoot.

not sure where you're getting the notion that anyone that cant measure up is cast out to die here but i've never seen that in all my years living here. most Americans are willing to pull their own weight and then some. but like any place you might go, there are those that would just assume mooch and loot and sponge and plunder rather than actually earn their own keep.

i understand we just see these ting a bit differently and that's ok, but please, quoting that sanctimonious blubberhead Dr Phil, you can do much better than that!!


Nathan said...

I'm a person and a citizen of the United States of America, but considering that pretty much every mention of what "the American people" want is totally different from what I believe, I can only guess that's some kind of code.