I love me some Star Wars but come on, Star Wars Weather References, really? Any cold day its gonna be HOTH automatically. They tried that joke on 'Stargate Universe' and it fell like 'a lead fart' (as Dad used to say). Any hot day is gonna be Tatooine.
Is this really the scale you want to be using to tell school children how best to dress for the weather? I don't even remember the name of that rainy planet that they got the clone army from so that reference is lost on me.
And for all those days when I wake up to LAVA flowing down my main street I think I will know I am screwed without your helpful graphic.
Sorry, you caught me on a cranky morning. No pop tarts or sugary cereal for Saturday morning here on HOTH. Should I just get in the 'Falcon' and go get some? OH NO, Darth Vader has been told he can begin his landing momentarily. How will I ever get past that blockade of ships since the movie tells me I must rush right at them and not escape by shooting away in one of the other 356 degrees I have open to me. Maybe I'd best wait for the afternoon to get all muggy and swampy before I try again but getting the car out of the swampy grocery store parking lot is always a pain in the ass. EEEP!
1 comment:
Cimino dude, Cimino.... like if it rains one more hour it'll totally be Cimino out there
man its hot, its freakin Mustafar hot out there!
not sure of my spellings though O_o
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