Only 2 more episodes left and I am already feeling those withdrawal pains. Only the new season of 24 will be able to cheer me up.
I wondered if we would get through this cycle without someone finding 'God' on the island and using it to try to make desperate last minute alliances. Apparently today was the day. It totally cracked me up to see Natalie invoke God to take time away from his busy list of chores so that He could help her team pick the right string so they didn't drop the most coconuts and therefor miss a cool reward. Does this sound as stupid to anyone else as it does to me? When Natalie's team lost, all I could say was "Where is your God now?"
Maybe Brett was talking up his beliefs all this time but the producers kept it out of the edit. Either way he is the one person left that I absolutely don't want to see get the money because he coasted and floated throughout the whole game. That strategy never gets my respect. He didn't outplay anyone but caught a lucky break by winning immunity the last two times. I suppose you can call that 'outwitting' his opponents. If so, then where was he for the other 30 days when his survival wasn't always ensured? It was only after most of Galue was gone that someone noticed him hiding behind some bushes and realized he could be voted off.
The Galue jury is so stupid and spiteful that they will absolutely not give the prize to Russel who we all can agree played the best game of anyone left and carried the other three Foa Foa with him in the process. I believe though that he lost the game tonight by not voting off Mick instead of Shambo. This was the moment to make his only play for the win. If he goes to the jury with anyone that is left then he loses to them over sheer dislike for his strong personality. Taking Shambo to the end evened the playing field and really gave the jury something to consider - "Who do you hate the most?" would be a toss up and Russel's strong game play would have given him the edge in the end.
So I am calling it now - unless a Tsunami hits that island then it will be Natalie in the final for the win. She's a likable little pixie and you know that the last immunity challenges will be feats of endurance that she can withstand due to her fitness which is incredible. Does anyone else remember when starving to death was ALL that was on the mind of the contestants. That certainly allowed some loopy behavior and decisions from these emaciated zombies.
But how about that Russel, eh? All things considered - pure entertainment value and strategy - he is the best player to ever play this game. I want a whole cast of Russels next cycle burning everyone's socks. I wish there was a fan prize for the most popular cast member like they do with Big Brother. I don't want Russel to just walk away with only that immunity idol he said he is keeping. Hell he found the damn thing THREE TIMES. It belongs to him if it belongs to anyone.
The next cycle of 'The Amazing Race' will have Jorden and Jeff from that last 'Big Brother' and I am pleased to see that because they are a cool couple. Why not add Russel to that cast? Rob and Amy from an earlier Survivor cycle did that show so its not unheard of. Just don't team him up with Shambo.
Finally, can we also please get Shambo a haircut? Something from THIS century? If we can't do that then truly her freakish mop HAS outwitted, outlasted and outplayed everyone.
I was quite disappointed to see Shambo go last night because I also thought it would have been wiser to keep her around than Mick. I don't think there is any way in hell that jury will vote for Russell either. I'd like to see Natalie win, but I'd also like to see Jaison win, too. I agree about Brett, and I think Mick has totally coasted along, too.
Should be an interesting night on Sunday, eh?
My poor son thought I injured myself because I yelled so loud when Brett won that damn immunity. Scared him right out of his headphones.
I was so looking forward to the Foa Foa + Shambo fivesome and what would happen with that. With Brett in there I feel almost cheated.
Although I was laughing my ass of at "Prayer Warrior" - what the hell is THAT?
i have never seen a single episode of survivor or any of the other shows you mentioned....how's those pains coming????
Maybe Russel will do Amazing Race next, the things he'd do to the other teams.
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