Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanks Again Num Nuts

"A recent study found that 90 percent of Canadians support universal, single-payer health care. A poll taken last summer shows 82 percent of Canadians believe their health care system to be better than the US's, despite constant grumbling about waiting times for treatment of non-life-threatening conditions."

Remember that quote when you seen Mrs. Sarah being punked by our own Mary Walsh of 'This Hour Has 22 Minutes' - kind of the CBC's version of the 'Daily Show'. Apparently its tough to get to ask Sarah anything or to even get her to finish a five km race that she started. She was afraid to face the people who were waiting for her at the end after she twittered that she was going to be in the race last Sunday. Bitch can't seem to finish anything but I do loves how she is the comedic gift that keeps on giving.

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