Monday, December 21, 2009

Worst Christmas Guest Ever - 15 Years And Counting

Well I know he may be late because he does do that slow speed on the highway but there is no one that can carve that turkey up faster and more brutally than OJ. Hell give him two Turkeys and he will be equally effective slicing and dicing. I even hear he will bring his special 'carvin' gloves. So quit your bitchin' this year. We done got you a celebrity.


TS Hendrik said...

Mind you he'll give you a gift then break into your house later to get it back.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Only if that gift was a white woman...BOOO YAH!

Unknown said...

WOW!... wow!

Wings1295 said...

Guessing this is from the late 70s/early 80s. I hope.

Nomad said...

Not turkey. Its called ham. Turkey=>bird, Ham=>Pig, the other white meat, not the other other white meat though. Sorry I am confusing the issue.