What's that? You feel a tingly feeling down the left side of yor body and things suddenly seem all blurry out of your right eye? Don't worry, you will forget all about the pain you feel crashing to the ground once the full body spasms start. Try to hold your tongue out in case you swallow it. Yup, gotta love the oceans.
Yeah, we have the Blue Ringed Octopus here in southern Oz in abundance. Kids often poke and hassle these little creatures until the rings go bright blue (Warning! Warning) without knowing the dangers they risk.
I love that whole continent but I feel like I have to wear a hazmat suit everyday I spent there. Everything especially the water scares the hell out of me. 7/10th of the world's surface they have and they can't let me get into the ocean without brushing against my leg. Fricken' sea creatures.
...you forgot about the poisonous spiders, reptiles, insects and Emu's. That last one isn't poisonous but can give you a heck of a peck...
Anvil + Sledge Hammer + Tiny Squid = best possible solution
They need to just bomb and pave the whole place. And I have a neice and nephew that live there that have no problem biting the heads off most things that can kill them. "Uncle Fraidycat" they call me. Well lets see them last in the cold for a few hours with raw pork chops in their pockets. All I remember are the frogs...the silence of the frogs. EEEEEEEEEEEEK
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