Burn Notice - It is like nothing has changed despite all the months we have has to wait for the series to continue. Damn you writer's strike and damn you specialty cable. Naw, I take that back, I would have missed gems like 'The Wire' if I didn't take a chance in the first place.
As much as she annoys me at times I do love seeing Fiona back on the team after taking a bullet at the end of last season. That Cagney and Lacey mini reunion (Tyne Daily and Sharron Gless) was another sweet nod to us old time TV fans. Also just when I think that Michael can gone from white knight to jerkface he makes sure that no one innocent gets hurt.(Much to the joy of his mother and don't we all hate disappointing our mothers?) So it appears my worries are over and nothing has changed with my beloved 'Burn Notice'.

When it comes to reality shows that rely on 'talent' to pick their winners I am more of a 'Project Runway' person than a 'American Idol' devote. Maybe it has to do with the torture one has to go through to reach the final 10 in 'Idol' just to see your favorite eviscerated for no other reason than the fact that some English poof got himself some bad crumpets that day.
'Project Runway' requires you to create something real and show off some real talent that I can objectively judge with my own keen eye for design. Usually I am dead on correct. 'Runway' also has more catty gay personalities that I hope to see emerging soon. They don't have to stay all 'mainstream' until after they win or come in second like on 'Idol'. Being 'middle of the road' is the only way to get the votes from Middle America who are still fearful of 'them gays'. Only after they are free of the shackles of 'Idol' can they get their full 'freak on' like Adam Lambert' got to (but only after 'Idol' was over). That need to suppress one's 'inner performer' always disturbed me about the high tech karaoke contest that 'American Idol' is.

The only thing that irks me about 'Project Runway' is when the designers bitch and moan about the materials they have to work with. You made the show - quitcha bitchin'. I should be able to see you spin gold out of sheep poop with nary a complaint or you should just turn and walk away. These are the big leagues bitch. Time to toughen up. Oh and when I take over the world, Tim Gunn will be my first choice for Majo-Domo.
However, what do I know. I am fully prepared to invest my time and love to '24' where I know my expectations and loyalties will be tested. I will become pissed when those who I thought were on the same side as Jack and I turn to evil even though we both knew it would happen. I have to see professional hostage 'Kim' and now her cute daughter 'Terry' be put in danger and I can't get enough. What does that say about me?

I loved that moment at the end of this week's 'Castle' when Beckett broke down her hard exterior and actually admitted to Rick that she not only 'wanted' him to be there when she caught up to the men who ordered her Mother's death but 'needed' him to be there. It's was the first time we got to see how much she loves him and values him as a friend. I enjoyed the moment so much more because it's a rare emotional moment between the two leads and we long time fans deserved it.

Next week starts up psych. There's the money show.
We haven't watched the season premiere of Burn Notice yet, but are looking forward to it!
As for Castle, my wife loves it. And yeah, moments like that go a long way with character building than when a show has the two leads always antagonistic towards each other. In real life, people like that WOULDN'T keep hanging together!
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