I saw this on IO9 today and it was some of the best news I could hear about any movie in the pipeline.

"We thought the epic undertaking of a Dune remake was all but finished, when Hancock director Peter Berg left to go make his alien-focused Battleship film. But the remake lives on, with a new director who might actually be better.
Entertainment Weekly is reporting Paramount has finally found a replacement for Peter Berg. Director Pierre Morel has stepped up to try and tame the great sandworms of Arrakis.
Morel is best year from his work in last year's film Taken, also known as "Liam Neeson Punches Everyone In The Throat." This film was easily one of the top five action films of the year, thanks to its pace, editing, filming and acting. If this is any indication of Morel's work, Dune could be a tight little feature. Plus we're slightly less hesitant about Morel adapting Frank Herbert's work than the guy who made Hancock.
EW also added that this movie is now a "high priority" at Paramount, which means it may actually get made."

Let's hope the third remake will be 'the charm.'
Its funny how with all the bitching I do about movies in general that the 1984 DUNE and the SYFY Miniseries (including Children of Dune) get a free ride from me everytime I love them both for what they do right with the material and even enjoy the parts people have problems with.
I read Dune in the early 80s and then saw the movie. While I understand the issues people had with the original movie, I'm still a huge sucker for the whole thing. Absolutely loved it and can't wait for the movie!
Big-Time Geek Over Here,
My mouth. It waters.
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