Monday, January 4, 2010

I Vote No

Why does Pepsi Max, the low calorie alternative to regular Pepsi taste so bad? Could they have just taken out the calories of normal Pepsi and found a way to fool my tastebud? GAAA! The PMax stuff is vile. Maybe if I add some lime or lemon juice to it. I don't know. Trying to cut down on my intake of pop. Gonna be rough.


Wings1295 said...

Never tried it. My favorite Pepsi is Diet Cherry Cola.

If Pepsi Max is supposed to be like Coke Zero, then I guess they dropped the ball somewhere, cause Coke Zero is pretty decent stuff.

Mike said...

The truth is all Pepsi is vile. Its nothing more than sugar water, Coke is so much better in all aspects, theres not even a contest.