Monday, January 11, 2010

It's Black And White Bitches!

There was a time in my teens when I worked at Penhold Air Cadet camp for several summers. One year I had 50 cadets under my care when they took the aircraft systems or photography course. I had a camera around my neck all summer and since we worked exclusively in black and white film we were able to process the film, print pictures and experiment all we wanted to with the medium. The five of us in charge felt like we were wartime photo journalists and I know for a fact that the yearbook we produced included some of the best black and white photography you had ever seen. For that reason I have a real soft spot in my heart for early photography. So much more artistic than working in color.


Wings1295 said...

Nice stuff, Cal. Love some of these.

Margaret Benbow said...

Great pix! Why don't they make cool hats like the Field Marshall's anymore--a thick pelt with a skull embedded in it, topped by a medallion as big as a duck egg. Whoa!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Margaret, for me its ALL about the hat - top hat, fur hat, beanie with propeller.