It is not an easy thing to lose weight especially as one gets older. I for one have been trying to retrain my lifestyle to include less things that are bad for me (although Pepsi is a tough pleasure to give up) and more things that may actually prolong my life.
In the past few months I have had many tests to see if there was something preventing me from attacking this problem full on (like a weak heart or diabetes) and I found that I have no excuses other than the ones I accept when talking to myself.
To help me along I have entered a challenge set up by our local health authority to do a virtual trek of the Hawaiian Islands. It will take more than 1.3 million steps to finish the route. I have roughly five months. Before Christmas my mother did a similar virtual trek through the Rocky Mountains. She is almost 70 and completed it with a day to spare. How can I live with myself if I let her leave me in the dust? It's gonna be fun trying to keep up with her.
I will keep you all up to date on my efforts and how much my life improves by making a few simple changes. I think I need the pressure of updates to keep me going when I don't want to. All part of my plan to rule the world and become the most interesting person in it.
If you want to try the trek yourself you can find it HERE. If you need some information like a Canadian postal code or whatever to register for it yourself just drop me an email or a comment. It would be cool if some of my visitors can join me in this project.
Wow, the virtual trek is as really cool idea! I'd never heard of it before. I hope you get your steps in!
You and me both girlfriend. I don't need the grief from my family if my mother kicks my ass.
fantastic idea i'm in
Sounds great! Had this been in any season other than Winter, I would be right there with ya!
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