Yeh, so, I thought I would admit this early. I got all anal and infuriated that I didn't know what the hell was going on when I tried to read the huge article on LOST in last week's issue of 'Entertainment Weekly'. I just NEED to know now what is going on and I can do three or four episodes a day until I get to the end of the series. I think this is the preferred way for me to watch this show with its hints and clues and complex mythology. Plus currently I can't get enough of Terry O'Quinn's John Locke. He is such a brilliant actor.
I have avoided everything surrounding the hype machine for this show on the Internet but that is my way so I don't feel like I missed out. But I am sucking it all up like biscuits and gravy right now so stay tuned as I figure it all out long before May.

LOL! Those cartoon renditions are great!
So, you are going to figure it out before May, eh? I look forward to this. I am avoiding theorizing because I just want it to beautifully unfold before my eyes like a lovely flower...Sort of. You know what I mean.
I loved the first season and a half and then did what I always do, forget to watch shows. I've been meaning to catch up, but as it's ending I might as well wait till it's done.
There was a time, around mid season 2 maybe, where some people dropped off. I have stuck with it, and have enjoyed the ride. Looking forward to a great end.
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