I am a huge Pepsi fan and I constantly told my students my conspiracy theories about the evils that the COCA COLA corporation is and how Pepsi came into being as a way to fight COKE and their desire to take over the planet with their alien allies. And COKE puts an addictive chemical into their formula which turn people into mindless slaves...ect...Basically anything to build on the story. And I told them that both companies have super powered agents that fight around the world and we never hear anything about it because COKE totally controls the media. Basically I built up this weird story to entertain them over the years. Several years ago I was chaperon to the grade 12 travel club and we went to Japan. One night I heard a kid scream for me from his room across the hall from mine. I had taught him since grade 9 so he got a good four years worth of my conspiracy balloon juice. I ran to see what was wrong thinking he was hurt or something. You can imagine the moment when we both stood watching this series of commercials for PEPSIMAN. It was like everything I told him was the truth and for a second I believed it myself. I played it so cool and said..."SEE" and left his room. One of my favorite life moments ever. The next day on the bus everyone wanted to here the story about Pepsiman. I have been searching forever for his figure for my collection.

Sorry dude. Coca Cola all the way baby.
I will miss you when you are gone but know that I will kill many a Coke-Zombie and Alien Coke-Zombie Enabler in your name.
Where is Pepsiman when you need him? This made my day/week/year. Pepsi is a wonderful thing.
I am looking into getting a shunt so I can just mainline it. It's the nectar of the gods. I love the way Pepsiman gets himself all scrunched up like a bashed can every commercial.
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