Monday, February 8, 2010

Things I Hate - Now With Photos

You all know of my hatred for the world's biggest, longest, most, kind of records. First up we have the longest doormat in the world - 330 feet. Pointless since few have an outdoor walkway or an indoor hallway that is that long. Unless you want to just put it on a roller and cut off lengths as they get dirty. Pointless.

Then we come to this record for sword swallowing. When will THIS skill ever be useful to human civilization? Maybe if the swallower (who really doesn't SWALLOW anything because I believe that to technically be considered a SWALLOW, something has to go all the way down. Leaving the hilt of the sword outside of your mouth doesn't count. Now if you could swallow the sword and pull the entire thing out your butt, then you got my interest. Until then - nick a part of your esophagus and die.

Shouldn't the world's shortest STREET be something you can DRIVE on. Looks like a SIDEWALK to me between two actual steets.

Buddy, you didn't win the ribbons so why are you wearing them? Basically all you did was purchase and brush a cat. I do that everyday but even I have more of a life than to consider that professional photographer worthy as an achievement. You have three ribbons also. Why can we see only TWO clearly. Was that one hidden behind the cat only for participation? And if so, why even bring it out in the first place?

What? Huh?


Wings1295 said...

What the hell is that last picture of? First Bluetooth?

Nathan said...

You purchase a cat every day? :p

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Only to free them from third world dictatorships but it's all rather 'hush hush' so I would appreciate you not saying anything if you hear a meow coming from a crate of banannas.

MJenks said...

I believe 'swallow' means to pass something through the epiglottis.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

NOT the time for your 'technicallities' mjenks. Save them for when I need to explain to the authorities why I have TWO mail order brides from the Ukraine.