Monday, March 8, 2010

Forward 10 Years

The meme has been going around that asks people where they would like to be or suspect they will be in ten years. I hope to be right where I am in full control of my destiny like I am now. However, we all know that all good things do come to an end. I have had a pretty great life and had experiences both real and fictional that would have killed a lesser man.

So in truth I submit this picture and wish it to represent the 9th anniversary of what an average Monday would be like for me. That would be my girl (or any girl who would regularly wear superhero tshirts because she really likes them) making chili and wild vegetable surprise salad for supper. She always makes sure we have wine with supper and dessert on the weekends.

She would then go to her drawing table and work on pages for our graphic novel (third successful one so far) while I do the housework and other such chores that she just hates.

We have a suicide pact if the dishwasher ever breaks. We have kitties we rescued from the shelter. My mother loves her as do my sister and my nephew and niece. She wants to marry me but only if it's a surprise she can just 'show up' too. It's taken me three years to plan it since the last time I was sloppy with my security and she totally figured it out weeks early.

How she stays with me after that I have no idea.

She brags to her friends about me because of all the things I do for her that allow her to achieve her full potential. She hates octopus and squids and will email me sightings she has made of them during her day. She buys me toys every year for Christmas and listens to me tell stories about my Dad no matter how many times she has heard them. She thinks I am the boy she met 'that' summer and will not be talked out of the fact that I am not.

Pretty sad dream isn't it? I know it will never happen and YOU know it will never happen and SHE knows it will never


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...
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Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Stop wanting it so much and it will happen. It's a great dream man, especially the part about the dishwasher. Oh yeah, you left out the part where I hit the Powerball Jackpot and when I visit one of my vacation homes in Canada we hang out and I tell you how lucky you are to have a cool kick ass chick like her for a girlfriend.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks buddy. She would have loved hearing you say that.

Wings1295 said...

I agree with Doc. More positivity, dude! Put yourself out there and see what happens. You may get burned. Maybe a lot. But if it is all in search of your dream, then it is so worth it.

I was heading to being the guy who KNEW it would never happen. But I took a leap and here I am, three kids, 15 years and one awesome wife later. Wouldn't have happened if I didn't say "hell yeah" sometimes.

And your friends are here to listen to the times it all doesn't go so well.

Cora said...

Who says it will never happen? Positive thinking, my friend, positive thinking!

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I just KNOW the perfect girl is out there waiting for you, because, you, sir, are waaayyyyyyy too much fun to be alone! I say go find her. :-)

Drake said...

Never say never!

Even old broken down and one foot in the grave dragons like me can find happiness.

It will happen, i know these things.

Psitticine said...

Hey, you can never really say 'never'. I had given up on finding anybody who could either understand me or really love what she found in me, but then I proctored this exemption test one day... I got super-flustered because I misspelled her name on the certificate... and then a few weeks later she walked into the lab I worked in as a new hire... we've been together 6 years and it is still going strong. I even realized the other day we are living my childhood dream of a having a little home in the woods.

So don't give up on dreams. If it can happen to an anti-social, agoraphobic, anxiety-ridden mess like me, it can happen to anybody!!

chunky B said...

Never say never, cause they do exist, I know.

Don't give up the ship, there is a Octopus hating female out there for you!

Anonymous said...

I agree with all that has been said here my friend. I have been following your blog for perhaps a year now and know you have what it takes.

BTW- I know whatof I speak; when I met mine she had never even seen Star Wars or Monty Python... now she speaks essential Klingon & knows the difference between an illithid and cthulhu spawn & could appropriately defend the house from either. As could our 2 sons.

Dreams can come true...

TS Hendrik said...

Suicide pact over a dishwasher? That is the dream isn't it?

Megan said...

Does it help that this is the best one of these I have read so far?


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks for all your support people. And yes T.S. I don't wash dishes. I am not an animal. I am a human living in a civilization and such folks as I use/need a dishwasher. Without one, why live?

Ravyn said...

I'm "Wings" awesome wife...and he's awesome too...whod've thunk that two random people from different parts of the state would actually find each other...and heck, I'd been through Hell and back prior to meeting him. So, not to be cliche, but the right person is there for you, everything just has to be in alignment. In addition, I think leaving your house more often, even if it's just for a walk around a mall, is a good thing!

Ravyn said...

Oh...and yeah, I meant to say "cave" not "house" :)