Why not just tell me that you are having me dragged to hell and be done with it. The whole festive atmosphere is just mean.
Clowns are famous for their love of children. I am coming back to the ward, right? Hello? Nurse Ratchet? They are rolling me down the street and around a corner. I am sorry. I promise to be gooooooooood.......

In your quests have you ever seen an octopus in a clown outfit? Seems like the ultimate evil.
No, even they know better than to be around clowns or circuses. They have an amazing survival mechanism.
I fear that if it came down to teaming up with a clown to take down an octopus or teaming up with an octopus to take down a clown, well, better the devil you know.
Why are the nurses smiling and clapping? Why???
One less spongebath to give. They hate giving those. I know, I have asked for them in hospital parking lots for years.
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