One thing I love about Tumblr is the small snippets of information like quotes or extracts from longer articles. This one struck me because I was labelled at 'gifted' as a child and that had alot to do with how I reacted to perceived unfairness especially when authority figures like teachers said one thing and did another.
I also hated and still hate to see the strong prey on the weak and have more than once stood up for the 'little guy'. When I hear racism expressed, especially by those who don't think people different from them should be given their deserved human rights, it infuriates me.
Recently my niece in Australia took her third grade competency tests that they give everyone at her age and she tested off the charts. I should have been happy but my first reaction was to say, "That poor kid.". I would rather she was not as bright and perceptive than see her have to struggle with these issues like I did.
“Because gifted children are able to consider the possibilities of how things might be, they tend to be idealists. However, they are simultaneously able to see that the world is falling short of how it might be. Because they are intense, gifted children feel keenly the disappointment and frustration which occurs when ideals are not reached. Similarly, these youngsters quickly spot the inconsistencies, arbitrariness and absurdities in society and in the behaviors of those around them. Traditions are questioned or challenged. For example, why do we put such tight sex-role or age-role restrictions on people? Why do people engage in hypocritical behaviors in which they say one thing and then do another? Why do people say things they really do not mean at all? Why are so many people so unthinking and uncaring in their dealings with others? How much difference in the world can one person’s life make?”
Story of my frickin' life.
Must be why we get along.
I was one of those 'gifted' kids too...I would have killed for a little ignorance as a kid, but hey all that and the bullying made me the person I am today.
I look at it the same way. I can put up with the ennui if it gives me motivation to try to help when certain situations cross my path. Plus, messing with the evil people's heads is so much more satisfying that putting bruises on their bodies. Bruises heal but one witty retort can stay with them forever.
I was also given the label of "gifted." But what I was most gifted at, was ditching school and doing just enought to pass my classes.
Pat, I was like that in high school because I was very bored and they didn't teach to the kind of learner I was. It wasn't until college and University that I applied myself and found I could do very well with less work that I thought I needed to put into it.
One thing I love about Google Blog Search is the small snippets of information like yours that address the topic of Gifted / Intellectual Giftedness.
Fun Read.
Oh, and just to make y'all feel better,
Yeah, Story of our frickin' lives.
It must be why we get along with other Gifted individuals.
We were one of those 'gifted' kids too.
But what we were most gifted at, was ditching school and doing just enough to pass our classes.
And we were like that in high school because we were very bored and they didn't teach to the kind of learner we were.
I forgot to leave this link yesterday. An example of my school life...(and life)
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