Sister Megan did the heavy lifting today by sending me a link to this abomination of a celebration. You thought I was kidding about the collaborators and their love for the dark menace of the oceans? Well it seems they are just as active spreading their lies than they ever were.
Sometimes when you are fighting on the front lines daily, you forget how there are still these cabals working back in the heartland to subvert each gain our side makes in the struggle. FUCK THEM. I can't save anyone who doesn't want to be saved. All I can do is shake my head and wave to them from the beach as their heads disappear under the water.
At least they are helpful by giving me more information about those others out there that are working against the health and welfare of this planet by their naive blindness to the real danger they are in.
So we have 3 days...THREE DAYS to hear and see this scenario repeated over and over again. - "oooo, look at the pretty tentacles - YOINK" - and then your head is snapped off.
From their web site - "Cephalopods are octopuses, squid, cuttlefish, nautiluses, and their extinct relatives, ammonites. They are the invertebrates that have it all: smarts, good looks, and size. They solve puzzles, they change colors, and one of them, the giant squid, is the largest spineless creature in the world. (You are not helping you argument by giving me these stats - if my grandmother had wheels she still wouldn't be a wagon)
In addition to beauty, brains, and bigness, cephalopods have a fourth irresistible characteristic: mystery."
MYSTERY? MYSTERY? How is this for a mystery? Try to figure out what happen to everyone on that booze cruise that went missing leaving only sucky marks on the martini glasses or those two fishermen who were mangled so badly by a Humboldt Squid that they were "unrecognizable to their own families".
Try to figure how your parents raised such a dumbass to have these views. (I am kidding of course. I am sure you had fine parents. They just didn't know what you would become when you grew up and that breaks their hearts.)
3 freakin' days...sigh.
All I can do is encourage you to NOT be sucked in by all the pretty lights and balloons. Continue to oppose their agenda by eating MORE octopus and for the love of Jebus DON'T contribute money or time to their bogus causes.
And check those little UNICEF boxes they give kids to carry with them on Halloween. 68% of those are fake and the money will be funnelled to many evil projects currently underway across the globe.
Check out the link below if you would like to know more. It's a wealth of propaganda.
As always I will endeavour to help by eating as many tentacled creatures as possible... (urp!)
Thats all I can ask of any one person. Do your part.
There is no fight like a good fight.
"...if the cause is just, they are willing to give their lives."
"All I can do is shake my head and wave to them as their heads disappear under the water."
C'mon, people. If you were questioning before, you can't deny that it doesn't get any more brilliant than that.
For reals.
(blush) Thank you. That was sweet of you to say.
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