Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Have Spoiled You All

You people are getting good blog from me. 6000 posts and the same ten people leave comments. What the hell? I know you can read and write and surely, somewhere, in all the variety of posts I do, there has been something that has sparked your interest enough to express an opinion, take the opposite perspective or just say, "Thanks Kal, that was a nice ten seconds in my day. I appreciate the effort." Gah!


Contemplating Cadie said...

Fine, how's this...

I LOATHE EEYORE! I do. In fact his name has become a slam I use when I'm discussing (behind their back of course) some other sad-sack.

As in... Ugh, that girl is such an Eeyore!

What? Not quite what you were after? Well then, what about...

"Thanks Kal, that was a nice ten seconds in my day. I appreciate the effort."

Gaw! (In Texas we say it with a W on the end.)

Contemplating Cadie said...

You know if you could just leave yourself a comment at the end of every post that I could cut and paste like I did that last one we'd be in business.

Contemplating Cadie said...

I wonder how many comments from me it's going to take before you stop being an Eeyore? And I mean Eeyore in the best possible sense of the word.

Contemplating Cadie said...

So what do you want to talk about Kal? Get your head out of your cave and get to chattin. I can only keep up your end of the conversation for so long...

Contemplating Cadie said...

Today's Rep's birthday and I wasn't invited to the party (how dare him, he's known me on-line for months now) so I'm totally switching sides in the whole "Who does Selena love" debate, and while I can't say it's for sure you... I most certainly know it's not him!

Pat Tillett said...

Funny CB...
There is PLENTY here to keep me coming back and commenting! I don't know what to tell you. There may be a cephalopod conspiracy at work

Contemplating Cadie said...

Oh,Pat was here and I missed him. Now he's a guy I could keep a conversation going with.

Contemplating Cadie said...

UGH! My last comment just disappeared! It was a good one too. Pat was right it *is* a conspiracy!

Kal said...

Exactly. Pat is one of the good ones. And you have shown your resolve by helping me find that damn tail of mine that I lose in the field all the time. How can you hate Eeyore? Piglet is the most annoying one of the bunch. I would kick Rabbit in the ass if he crossed my path.

That is what I am talking about CB, This is why I appreciate you. Just a little effort, some love, that stinging wit that makes me cry like a little girl - I may hate you but I can RESPECT you. You are quick and smart and no doubt can shuck corn like a immigrant peasant woman. I know from where I speak - I come from those kind of people.

BTW - Rep didn't invite me either. He didn't want to see the 'plus one' that I would have brought with me to his hillbilly hoedown. I won't say who that would have been but her name rhymes with 'Belena'.

sambo said...

I'm new to this blog following business.
And so far yours has to be the funniest most entertaining I've found.
So much more than 10 seconds of greatness a day.

Kal said...

I appreciate the comment Sambo. I answer each and every comment and it's nice to see your name show up.

Amy said...

Aww, pumpkin, I'm sorry I've been taking you for granted. Will you ever forgive me?!

Kal said...

Yes, you have a life and goals Amy. I can forgive that and even admire that kind of productivity. It's those other hoboes out there that I direct my annoyance at. You follow and never comment? What kind of sick joke is that? I swear 200 of my followers must be the same person with 200 different emails and personalities. That I would at least make some sense to me.

Pat Tillett said...

Why Thank you, Ms Blossom...

Drake said...

I just comment on other blogs and really don't post anything on my blogs now, too damn depressing.
At least when i comment here it's to an amigo who understands my off kilter way of thinking (at least i think you do).
Wow looks like it's cotton picking blossom time here!

M. D. Jackson said...


Contemplating Cadie said...

Sambo doesn't get around much, huh?

Nope Drake, not for another ten days anyway.

TS Hendrik said...

That cat is judging me but what have I done?

Anonymous said...

*Ahem* "Thanks Kal, that was a nice ten seconds in my day. I appreciate the effort."

Kal said...

You know T.S. that cats have a problem separating individuals to blame and tend to make blanket accusations on everybody no matter if they are innocent or guilty of the offence committed. I can assure you that he understands that you are one of the 'good ones' and I personally saw him remove your name from his 'list' that he keeps on his Catberry. I am sorry you got mixed up in this filthy business in the first place.

Oh and C.B. how is da cotton lookin' dis year?

csmith2884 said...

Thanks Kal

Jeremy [Retro] said...

i just want to say, i just wanted to say... i don't know how to say it... well here is goes... this place is a continuous source of fun and sex with the hopes of some good old fashion cat posting. i may not comment all the time. i wish you had a way to thank you... will cash do?

great never-ending post!
thanks kal

ps make the voices stop!

D.I. Felipe González said...

Some people write blogs. Other people reads them.
And only a few comment in return.
It{s a fact of life, Cal!

Kal said...

but but...I don't like that. (you can imagine I am saying that in th voice of Sheldon from 'Big Bang Theory').

Levi Krause said...

I am really an octopus in a man-suit who spies on your blog in order to learn how to defeat you. I just didn't think my silly comments were wanted around here. I like to eat kittens. Yum Yum.

Levi Krause said...

no. not really. But you DID ask for comments. That's all I got dude. :) Love your blog, btw.

Kal said...

LEVI! You see everyone...This makes my rant all worthwhile. Welcome Brother Levi to the discussion everyone. ("Hi Levi")