Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just Funny - No Need To Comment


Paladin said...

Oh, but there is a need to comment. Especially when someone characterizes me as a racist.

I guess its easier just to accept the narrative put forth by race baiters and others that wish avoid the real issues involved. People don't agree with President Obama's policies and agenda, so they must hate black people. People are concerned about the unstemmed flood of illegal immigrants and wish to actually (God forbid) secure our borders - so they clearly must hate all immigrants.

Have you ever been to a tea party event in the US? I have. Zero racial intolerance. No slurs. Everyone is welcome. Many of the events that I have attended hosted speakers that were legal immigrants to my country, and they are uniformly LOVED.

The question you should be asking yourself isn't what problem the Tea Party has with people of color. The question might well be what problem do many people of color have with limited government, lower taxes, and putting the power back into the hands of the governed?

There's racism and class warfare being promoted. But its not coming from the tea party. Its being used as a tool by the "Progressives" in an attempt to cling to power.

Watch the broad brush, if you please.

Kal said...

Explain to me the signs brought by the teabaggers to your 'ralies'. Why do they cross the line so often and play to the worse racial stereotypes? Why are the tea baggers almost universally conservatives? Why do they focus all their venom on the current President but were silent when two wars were allowed to bankrupt the country. Do I need to remind you of the debt left by your boy Bush? I heard no outrage until a democratic black man assumed the Presidency. Bush could do no wrong but Obama can do no right. What about the right not co-operating with Obama in passing legislation that would help the whole nation? Their goal was only to see Obama fail. How petty and self serving is that? Do you really buy into the balloon juice that your side spouts? How does that help America exactly? Why not work together with a President who opened his door and his heart to bipartisanship? Then run on your sucesses and not FEAR which is all your stale idiology has left. Put away your talking points and see the forest for the trees. The fact that you don't choose to see the racism in your movement means that you condone the rascism. What happened to the time when being critical of the President was compared to treason? It's not even my country but I seem to want it to succeed more than you do. How can Obama be 100 pecent wrong about everything? If your tea party was so inclusive it would actually look more diverse. If the hood fits. Feel free never to come back here again. You just don't get it and I can't fix stupid. Best you run off back to the bomb shelter in your basement. Load up your squirrely rifle and hold on tight to your canned goods. That evil Kenyan Marxist Socialist is coming for them next.

Copyboy said...

Now that is funny.

Kal said...

Who? Me or him Copyboy?

M. D. Jackson said...

Paladin is one of those voices I was talking about; the moderate TeaBaggers. The literate, reasoned and well thought out voices that we really need to hear from but are being drowned out by their own lunatic fringe and the shouted knee-jerk vitriol from the left. I believe we need to hear more about and from moderates like Paladin. Not all tea baggers are racist hillbillys just as not all liberals are socialists bent on dismantling the free market.
Perhaps we should all check our preconceived notions about each other and begin listening to each other's point instead of blaming each other for someone else's lunatic ideas.

Hart Johnson said...

I find it pretty darned funny. I get that there are a lot of tea-partiers who may not be racist, but I have to agree with Kal on the above arguments... where were the libertarians when Bush was going to war with the WRONG COUNTRY, building debt and tapping phones?

I also think they aren't 'getting it' as to what the REAL COST is to letting more than half of society fall out the bottom, which is what happens without social programs, but that is for another day. I'm just one of those damn American Socialists who thinks maybe we could learn something from some other countries about how to take care of the citizenry.

DrGoat said...

Respectfully to Paladin, who seems to be a rational person, where were you before 2 yrs. ago? I guess everything was just fine before Obama. You want lower taxes, but since he has been in office your taxes have actually gone down. Look it up. So I guess we need to forget about regulating banks and wall street....they obviously don't need anyone telling them how to f*ck over everyone but themselves and causing the worst recession (for everyone but themselves) in history. Also you seem to be OK with letting people like Glenn Beck, Hannity amd Limbaugh be your spokespeople. That alone is unforgivable. I could go on, but I got to go back to work. I'm lucky I still have a job, thanks to the criminal mess Bush made of this country. Oh, I forgot, it was Obama's fault. And M.D. Jackson, who I'm sure is a rational person, remarks that all tea baggers are not racist hillbillys. He's right, but I want someone to show me the socialists that want to dismantle the free market. The last one that I actually met was in 1968. The real extremists seem to be 99% on the right. I'm sure their are a few, but they are certainly not in the news.

Paladin said...

Geez, Kal.

For someone who apparently despises the perceived intolerance of the Tea Party supporters like myself, you sure went real quick to the use of ad hominem, vulgar, name calling. "Teabagger" twice in the the first three sentences. And you end your rant by calling me "stupid".


I thought my comment was politely worded and thought out, especially given the misperception being spread about people like me.

You ask several questions, while completely ignoring the one question that I asked of you. I'm not a tea party spokesperson or anything, but I'll do my best to address some of your questions as best I can. Not easy in the format of a blog comment, and I'll have to break my response into two parts, but I'll give it a whirl.

1. Tea Party crossing the line into racism "so often": I've been to many tea party events locally. I've seen none. If I had, believe me I'm quite capable of addressing it on the spot, and so are the vast majority of tea partiers that I know personally. Among the literally THOUSANDS of teaparty events that have taken place across the US, there have indeed been a handful of racist signs. I've seen pictures of them on the internet and they disgust me. Don't paint us all with that brush, and I won't paint you with the brush I use on environmental extremists or rioting leftists in France who throw bricks and firebombs in response to the retirement age being extended 2 years.

2. Bush vs. Obama: Imagine it this way. You're in a theater and someone is kicking the back of your seat off and on throughout the movie. That's annoying. Contrast that with the guy behind you hitting you in the head with a hammer. My response to the situations will naturally be different. Its a matter of degrees.

Common misconception: Tea Party = Republican. Indeed the vast majority of the Tea Party is conservative. It promotes conservative ideals (duh). The Tea Party is not entirely made up of Republicans, however. Libertarians, Moderates, Republicans, and Independents all populate our ranks. This fact is bourne out by the Republican Establishment coming out against Tea Party backed candidates in some recent primary elections - see Karl Rove - or at best grudgingly offering their support.

To be continued...

Paladin said...


Want to know who fears the Tea Party movement even more than Democrats?

Professional Republican Politicians.

And Kal... do you really want to compare the level of deficit expansion between Bushes 8 years and Obama's 2 so far?

3. Bipartisanship: This one is easy. Obama's party has controlled the House and Senate since the elections of 2006. He will tell you that his struggles to pass his "landmark" legislations stem from Republican refusal to be bypartisan. However, in truth, he didn't need the Republican's support. They were not capable of stopping, or even slowing, any of his agenda. They simply didn't have the votes for it. Resistance came from within his own party because his ideas were difficult to swallow even for them. He had to resort to buy-offs and strong arm tactics on his own people. You're going to tell me that if Obama were even half-way trying to reach across the aisle to conservatives, that he couldn't sway squishy moderate republicans like Olympia Snowe? Some modern day statesman he turned out to be.

4. Running on successes: Don't see many Democrats running for reelection based on all the wonderful things they've done to us over the past two years, do you? If anything, they are running away from it. There are even a couple of Dems touting the fact that they voted against the Bailout, when in truth they weren't even in office when the vote occured :)

Republicans, once they take back the majority, are going to be required to walk the walk, and not just talk the talk. Believe me, Tea Party anger over Washington shennanigans will extend freely to Republicans if they let us down. This is a Conservative movement, not a branch of the Republican party. If they fail us, we'll kick them out too and bring in a new bunch until someone gets it right.

I guess that's about it. The rest of your response is some mouth foaming over squirrely rifles and canned goods (wtf?) that I'll let pass. I do appreciate the opportunity to comment initially and respond to your response.

Heh... the word verification for this comment is "fawnswob". Sounds like a slur to me :)

M. D. Jackson said...

Dr. Goat:

"The goal now is a socialist, redistributionist society, 
which is nature's proper steward and society's only hope." 
- David Brower,
founder of Friends of the Earth

"A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the
United States. De-development means bringing our
economic system into line with the realities of
ecology and the world resource situation."
- Paul Ehrlich, 
Professor of Population Studies

Those quotes are more recent than 1968. Extremists are out there on both sides of the political spectrum.

I'm not trying to cause any arguments. You know, I come here to have fun. I'd like to think that most who come here regularly are intelligent enough to see both sides of an issue.

Paladin said...

Just a note to most of the other commenters on this post. I'm not ignoring you. This is actually providing a much needed diversion for me while I screw up the courage to do something that is emotionally very difficult in the next day or two.

Its just that this whole discussion has potential to expand far beyond what I'm capable time-wise of addressing. Differences of opinion on the course of our nation are natural and good. We could argue big government vs small government or liberal vs. conservative all day long. Maybe we will someday :)

My original comment and the cause for it was pretty narrow in scope, however, and that's probably how I'm going to leave it. "Funny" images portraying a movement that I am involved in as Klansmen, or outright claims that dissent from President Obama's agenda are rooted in racism are ridiculous and I can't let such stand unchallenged.

Two things (of the millions) that you don't know about me:

1. I'm of mixed racial heritage. My Great Grandfather "passed" as a white man.

2. I grew up in a rural area of Texas where the Klan burned crosses less than a mile from my house. I've seen racism. I've stood up to racism, and will continue to do so.

Whether its someone on a blog calling me a "teabagger" or Eric Holder calling the US a "Nation of Cowards" - it raises my hackles.

Am I the only one that sees the irony in Eric Holder - the first African American AG of the US, who was appointed by the first Black President - scolding all of us for our lack of courage in facing racial issues?

I've had quite enough of that, thank you very much.

DrGoat said...

To M.D.,
You are, of course, right. There are extremists of the left. I guess what I'm saying is that they are not covered 24 hrs a day by the media and they are not marching in the streets.
To Paladin,
Our political views are very different..but anyone who's favorite movies include Bladerunner and The Searchers, I'll give a listen to.. Good luck with that difficult issue.

Kal said...

Stop being so damn reasonable everyone. Can't we please think of the children?

Paladin said...

"Stop being so damn reasonable everyone. Can't we please think of the children?"

I know.. Who would have thought that Liberals would be as hard to herd or predict as Conservatives are? :)

It's quiet.... almost TOO quiet.

Kal said...

I am prepared to meet you half way if we can both agree that the 'Rent Is Too High' guy in New York is our dream candidate. He just shoots straight from the hip and has the right message. No flip flopping or backpeddling there. I may not be American but I hurt for my brothers and sisters when I see how bad things are. I have always had a keen interest in American politics and government so I follow the issues pretty closely. I truly hope that someone can be found to turn the ship around but I know in my heart that it won't happen. Of all the people I see with a chance to make change, it's Obama. I just wish more people would get on board to help him out instead of painting him as the anti-christ. That kind of thinking is a road to nowhere.

Paladin said...

Jimmy McMillan FTW! Certainly the most focused campaign, AND best beard/moustache combo. Three bronze stars as a helicopter door gunner in the Vietnam war... he's lived a hell of a life.

Can we hug now? :)

Kal said...

Okay but don't get fresh.

Pat Tillett said...

The cartoon was friggin' SPOT ON!
I'm not trying to start this back up again, but Paladin, if you are indeed of mixed race and you believe what you said in your first couple of comments, then you are a fool. If you don't think that race is the primary unspoken reason behind the movement, then you are also a fool. Otherwise it makes no sense! the man has done nothing wrong! He's been too busy dealing with the MESS your party left behind!

"The flood of illegal immigrants."
What the hell? You mean this just started after Obama took over? The same goes for every other point you made.

As to Obama's "policies and agenda." Tell me what he's actually DONE that is causing anything?


I have been to a tea party event. I live in one of the most conservative counties in the US. All I heard there was almost the same exact words you stated in your first comment. Nothing but sheep...

Sorry Cal, I won't do this again...

Kal said...

Comment anytime Pat. I can't believed I got lulled into anything other than my own delicious righteous indignation. Must be slipping in my old age. I totally am on your side with what you say about Obama doing nothing wrong except trying to do what was best for the people. Otherwise he too would have never stepped into such contentious areas as the economy and health care. I am sure immigration will be next once he comes up for air. Let's just let history judge his legacy as it will certainly judge George Bush's. I have a feeling the former Pres. will not come out so well.

Drake said...

You know what many people seem to miss is that Illegal immigrants (and hey all you people are illegal immigrants to my ancestors) has gone down, you don't hear that mentioned at all by either side.

And secure that border with CANADA!!! ;)

Kal said...

Don't waste your time. There is no way we are crossing the border over to Crazy Land. And we just might build a wall ourselves to keep you guys out.

Pat Tillett said...

Cal, you guys aren't that high on our "list." First we have deal with South "America." We're still pissed off that they stole our name...

Kal said...

Yeh, fuck South America - damn them for chosing a geographically relevant name for their continent. There can be no quarter given. Bomb and pass that place NOW.

Hart Johnson said...

I think one point not mentioned that may play into the 'perception' is regional differences. The TeaBag movement may indeed be a sincere group of non-racists where Paladin lives--they may have grabbed onto other issues and a party name that is getting a lot of press at the moment. And the internet and other press does INDEED pick the most exaggerated cases to publicize.

That said,I disagree with pretty much everything they stand for ANYWAY, and I'd think twice about a candidate that didn't mind being aligned with a group being painted that way, even if that candidate doesn't espouse those qualities.

As for extreme leftists... I really have to question what is SO WRONG with bringing economics in line with ecological and sustainability concerns. The fact that that is seen as an extremist view, to me, means the planet is doomed. I don't want to socialize everything, but I think we need some honesty about the costs of doing things over and above the monetary, and we need to be realistic about LONG TERM cost of NOT paying for things now (health care, specifically)--a good businessman, in the days when people didn't hop from place to place on a dime, grabbing a golden parachute when they destroyed it, thought LONG TERM. Long term planning requires investment... Now I don't think those bailouts were the way to go, but I DO believe investment in the population is money well spent. And to pay for it, I'd make sure businesses were taxed for any future costs they were incurring through environmental damage.

Kal said...

Thanks for that Hart. Those are some smart well reasoned arguements that I will add to my arsenal if I need to strongly make my points about these issues in the future.