Those freakin' Austrian kids and their freakin' puppet show is all I think of when I see pictures like these. And can I be honest with you for a second here? There's something 'wrong'...very very wrong with that Grettle. She ain't 'right' in the head if you ask me. If you doubt me remember WHICH child cried out and betrayed her family to the Nazis. Don't think if I was one of those kids that I wouldn't be reminding her of that all the way over the top of the mountain into Switzerland. "Thanks for almost getting us fucking killed, GRETTLE!"

M.D. just sent me this picture of Grettle all grown up. Tell me you also notice the freakishly high ratio of forehead to face on this woman. NOT RIGHT! And those EYES. They are not set right in her head...like a doll that got damaged in shipping.
yeah, but not every girl can pull off a sailor suit (in a fashion sense that is...)
You just got a soft spot for Grettle don't you? Ignore her evil ways at your peril. To do that is like showing your belly in the jungle. That's how they GETCHA! And of all my buddies, YOU know about the jungle.
Oh God! You just slayed me! *snicker*
Little Briggita got Lost in Space, Louisa ended up running with Logan on TV and Fredrich ended up getting bitten by a radioactive spide and wearing a spandex costume on TV.
But little Grettle grew up kinda nice: http://www.the-sound-of-music-guide.com/images/kym-full.jpg
Oh I got no problem with any of the other children. They were fine. It's just Grettle. She is spooky.
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