Sunday, October 3, 2010

Only In Canada

This show is great. Take hockey players and team them up with figure skaters and have them face off against each other in a figure skating competition. Why are all the toughest hockey players bald? That is the excessive amounts of testosterone in their systems. All the great, tough players are bald. Jamie Sale is one of the female skaters. She is gorgeous and is a local girl from down the block. Too bad she is getting a divorce from her husband and partner David Pelletier. Okay sue me, I like figure skating...there, I said it. Let the mocking begin.


Contemplating Cadie said...

You're right Ckal, she is a looker. For once I can actually see the attraction, most the time you lose me. ANYWAY... On of my all time favorite guilty pleasure movies is The Cutting Edge.
Toe Pick!

Kal said...

OMG...when I lived in the far north they only showed a movie for a week then it moved on. On Tuesdays a bunch of us teachers would go to the cheap movie night. I got DRAGGED to that movie and I LOVED IT. I went back the next two nights to see it by myself. It's embarassing how much I love Moira Kelly in that movie. I thought our safe word was going to be 'tippytoe' but now it has to be 'toe pick'.

Kal said...

Oh I like 'Ckal'. That would be my secret name on Arrakis.

Contemplating Cadie said...

'Safe word' and then I just laughed and laughed.

Nomad said...

Did you see that move the other day. I think they called it the chain saw or something. The guy dropped the girl and got her skate in his head. ouch.

Kal said...

I am always afraid that they are going to fun over each other's fingers. I hate it in movies when fingers get chopped off. Take the head off in one stroke, put the guy in the meat processor I can handle but lose the tip of the pinky finger and I freak out.