Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pinsent Reads Bieber

Gordon Pinsent is kinda the Lawrence Olivier of Canada. Any production over the years that needed a serious, classically trained actor went to Mr Pincent first. He is a national treasure.

So to have a man of his stature reading from the autobiography of punkass brat Justin Bieber is hilarious beyond words. I believe the words you are looking for Bieber are, "I've been SERVED!"


Copyboy said...

Why? Bieber is the Sir Elton John of Bubble gum pop.

Kal said...

Are you sure you didn't mean the Jesus of Tween Nation?

Pat Tillett said...

I veiw that little bastard no differently than any other new product that comes along and is crammed down our throat.
He's an item, not a person...

TS Hendrik said...

A thousand thank yous for posting this. That is awesome on a whole other scale. Must show others!

M. D. Jackson said...

Gordon Pinsent is a great Canadian actor and has been in many supurlative movies recently (His performance in AWAY FROM HER is heartbreaking) but does anyone remember his riveting performance as a police detective in BLACKULA? That's something you don't see every day.

DrGoat said...

That reminds me of John Houseman reading from the phone book.