Monday, October 4, 2010

Robot Learns Archery

I promise you THIS will not end well for any of us. Can we teach the robots to make a decent grilled cheese sammich first? Save all the "learning skills that can be used to kill humans" for a little further down the line in their development?

I know you goofball robot scientists get all excited about this crap and it's cool until someone end up with an arrow in his head. Run the numbers. Surely you agree with me.

BTW - the Indian headdress is a nice racist touch. Gah!


Nomad said...

Only if you stand still for eight shots will it actually hit you. So don't worry. Worry when it says F-this and pulls a gun!

Kal said...

It's all gun as far as I am concerned. Stupid robots.

Wusel's... said...

I prefer a robot who is able to clean my apartment in less then 10 minutes *lol*

Kal said...

Just move into one of those self cleaning port-a-potties. There is the added advantage of getting a good scrub down if you set the thing to clean and just stay inside it.

I always am reminded of this weird Japanese anime movie where old people are put in these 'helper' robots that clean and feed them and take care of all their elder needs and then one goes berserk with the old guy inside it and the military is called in to destroy it. The old guy is not having a good time while his robot changes his diaper while fighting the army.

Kal said...

Hey thanks for the comment, Joe. I liked your blog very much.

Glenn Whidden said...

Teaching them to use weapons without first burning the Three Laws into their brains? Have these people never seen a movie?

csmith2884 said...

Yes...must have the Three Laws or we are off to Judgment Day

Kal said...

Skynet seems to be reluctant to do the whole 'three laws' thing. How can you turn these things against you enemies if they can't kill them? Kinda puts limits on their effectiveness as tools of war. Asimov is a sweet man with some beautiful ideas but he just never did understand the concept of 'robot assasin'. So Judgement Day it is. Start burying cans of food in the dessert.