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Miasma Emission - The power to exhale a variety vapors of obscuring noxious fumes. Also known as Miasma Breathing, Gas Exudation or Toxic Spraying.
Capability - Users with the ability are able to exude toxic gases at will, through skin pores or by exhalation. The user can utilize various effects on others who inhale these fumes (hyper stimulation, lethargy, coma). The gas diffuses indefinitely in concentration, becoming less potent and less concentrated once it has expanded.
Middle skilled users are able to produce molecular structures (i.e. oxygen, carbon monoxide, concentrated carbon dioxide, chlorine vapors).
*Methods Most users expel miasma orally.
*Some can even generate gases from their skin.
*Others can exude gas from their tears.
*User may be incapable of singling secreted chemical.
*Gas is not always toxic.
*Sometimes incapable of bodily harm.
What a freakin' rip off. I already have this power after eating certain vegetable groups and let me tell you it CAN clear a room but what a jokey power. I would never make the X-men main team with those abilities. I probably wouldn't even get into Xavier's school. Nice. I am not a pretty mutant with a pretty power. I hate all you mutants. I take it back. This is not neat and I left you a present in the bathroom.
I bet it even smelled cute!
I got Furtive Assimilation: A mysterious power in which one can instantly blend into any societies, assuming a function. Also known as Social Cloaking or Social Intuition. Known users: Jedi Knights. HELL YES.
Spatial Manipulation! Consider the universe pwned.
I hate you all.
Hey, there's no shame in being a french taunter.
I got Ailuranthropy -- the ability to change into a cat or to display feline qualities. That's wrong, of course. Those are my wife's powers.
My super power is the uncanny ability to eat the last of anything in the cupboard but leaving the wrapper looking like there's still something there, causing much disappointment when the victim discovers that the wrapper or box is, in fact, empty. My superhere name (given me by my wife) is "The Master of Frickin' Disguise".
I'm not sure that that's a really good superpower to have.
wall crawler so not me...
See MD. Now I hate you more because you got to have the kitty powers AND like your wife I hate people who leave the empty box so that when a hot grumpy Calvin want a drumstick on a hot summer day he finds that there are none left in the box. That is just evil. I thought I knew you. That is just so passive agressive. And it's not like you have been TOLD more than once that the UNIVERSE really hates when people do that, you just can't or won't stop yourself.
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