I am glad that the authorities have FINALLY got dangerous offender Willie Nelson for his illegal smoking of the demon weed. Who knows what damage he could have done if he was allowed to further stun himself into a stupor. But be careful, now he is alert and I don't think we want that mind working against us.
You just know his tour bus was just like an ice cream truck - attracting the children looking to get high on that wacky tobacky - by it's bright colors and happy music. On the road again? I think not.
To quote my 70 year old mother - "Oh for Christ's sake, let the old man have his dope if he wants to smoke it."
that is some funny shit LOL!
Figures it happened in Texas. Keep on smokin' Willie.
Osama Bin Laden is still at large but thank God Willie Nelson is finally locked up! God Bless America!
Okay, was that sarcasm a bit over the top? I can't tell.
No, any sarcasm in this situation is entirely appropriate.
that picture of him with Kermit just KILLS me... got so tickled :D
Willie's been smoking weed forever. He's an American treasure, for Christs sake. Those cops who deceided to arrest him ought to be arrested.
I know. He only had six ounces ounces on his bus. Who is next, Snoop Dog? Way to flush out the bad guys. Looking for pot on the Willie Nelson tour bus is like going into Kim Kardasian's bedroom looking for shoes - or black guys.
It's odd to hear that they bust anybody at all here for it these days...
Well lets remember this is Willie Nelson pot. Can you imagine the stuff he gets a hold of. Good lawd almighty! They say they smelled it coming off the bus in the parking lot. WOW. That is some good shit. I suspect the cops just took it for themselves. I would have been embarassed to be the cop who brought Willie down - what? No puppies to kick where you live, officer. Some crack police work there, Columbo. Your criminal radar must have buzzed out of control when you saw that tour bus pull up. Call it a hunch, right? Gah!
Your sarcasm is the best, cal. Your mom is too.
I am singin that Toby Keith song Weed with Willie in my head.
Willie admits to burnin one on the white house balcony, some great detective work there in Texas.
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