Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cute Mug Shot Of The Week + Bonus

"You just wait until I call my FATHER. Then YOU will be the one in trouble."

"I TOLD you I stabbed him because he had stolen my NECK. Any one of you would have done the exact same thing."


Contemplating Cadie said...

I was arrested once. Though the arresting officer hightailed it out of there before my father could get there.

Kal said...

So there was no stopping your crime spree across the south?

Contemplating Cadie said...

They didn't even put me in a cell.

Kal said...

Where you smug about it? I bet you were pretty smug about it, right?

Contemplating Cadie said...

No. Not at all. I couldn't believe it was happening. I was 19 and it was a Sunday afternoon. I was driving through the Oklahoma University campus to meet some girlfriends for dinner. The officer pulled me over for not stopping for a full three seconds at a stop sign. I handed him all of my paperwork and the next thing I knew he was calling for backup. They asked me to step to the rear of the car and put my hands behind my back. I wouldn't do it until they told me why. They didn't really know why, but apparently I had a warrant. I had never even had another traffic violation. So I kept hitting their hands away from mine. (Why they didn't get me for resisting I have no idea.)

So, handcuffed in the back of the car on my way to the city police dept, the arresting officer starts talking to me like he just met me at a bar. it was weird.

I wasn't finger printed but he did take a Polaroid of me and told me to say cheese. Jerk.

Then he called my dad, who God love him, was in the middle of watching the X files and wasn't happy that he had to come pick me up. Especially when the arresting officer couldn't even tell him why.

By the time I got the whole thing straightened out I had blown my entire savings.

So a year later when I get pulled over for speeding (even though cars were passing me) I bawled like a big ol baby, blubbering something about not wanting to be arrested again. That officer let me go without even a warning.

I'm not smug. We were the opposite of spoiled children and I've always treated all people with a lot of respect. Why on earth would you doubt that???

Kal said...

First of all, How could I doubt you? Have you even MET our 'relationship'?

How cool was it that dad came during X-Files. That is parental love.

I got locked up in the base's jail with my buddies on one memorable Canada Day at the lake. We all agreed that my mother would be the most reasonable about the whole thing and come down to take responsiblity for us.

She told the MP's when called to let us 'cool' in the cell for the night. I don't know what I was more freaked out about. That she had left me there or that during my stint in prison my mother had somehow started using the word 'cool' in her conversations.

Oh and the four of us were placed togher in their ONE cell so it wasn't like being in Attica...but still.

Contemplating Cadie said...

Listen buddy! Don't make me call my dad!

Pretty good about your mom though. So if she was such a smart mom to let you cool, how come you turned out like you did, anyway?

Sometimes we do all we can do for you knuckleheaded children and you still turn out half baked.

Speaking of knuckleheaded children: I'm really cold natured so don't know if I'm being overly dramatic or not, but how cold can a human survive the night outdoors wearing fairly warm close, using a sleeping bag (not a great one or anything) and a labrador to say warm? I ask because A) Your neck of the woods is colder than mine and B) because my eleven year old son decided he wanted to sleep outside tonight. It's our coldest night so far this season. I agreed, but only because I thought he couldn't hack it. But he's been out there for hours and I'm torturing myself with what to do next. Do I let him sleep out there all night? what if he gets sick, hurt or worse? Or do I make him come in and take away the victory he'd feel (even if he won't be able to feel anything else) by making it through the night?

Kal said...

Think of how much worse I would have turned out if she wasn't around.

If he is insulated in layers then he will be fine. His own body heat will keep him warm. If he starts to shiver because his sweat his cooling his body too much for comfort tell him to take off a layer or two until he gets the combination of layers just right. Everyone has their own comfort level but the human body puts out the btu's like a little furnace.

If he is too cold believe me he will come in. If you feel he is safe despite the cold then let him do it. Nothing is better than sleeping outdoors in the cold. Best sleep of his LIFE.

And you can always sit at the window all night if you want. Just turn the light off so he doesn't see you there and think you baby him.

If you tell anyone I was nice to you you know that I will deny deny deny.

Kal said...

And I can't believe that you used to words TEXAS and cold in the same sentence with me.

Contemplating Cadie said...

everyone knows I bring out the nice in you. what they don't know is why you fight it so...

Anyway! It DOES get cold here. Last year we had 11 snows and ices. I've been out to feed cattle in white out conditions and axing through ice to water the cows has to be done often. Two months ago my son went to water the dog and the hose snapped in two when he went to pick it up. it was frozen solid, in NOVEMBER!!! The wind out here is relentless, in the summer it feels like a constant furnace blast but the winter is when it gets to me. I've seen the wind maps. We're just about as windy a location as you can get in the US.

I think the reason people don't feel like Texas gets cold is because when it does it passes so fast. My kids where flip flops one day snow boots the day after that and three days later they are back in their flip flops. Winter doesn't settle in for 9 months here, you usually get a break from it every few weeks and it's over for good by April.

He seems to be sleeping soundly, so with your assurances I'm off to bed. He's right outside our bedroom window and the dog is curled up in the crook of his legs so I'm not worried about anything more than him freezing to death. If Ckal says that won't happen then I guess it's true. Night Kalvin!

Kal said...

I fight it because that brings out the best in the banter and people find it highly entertaining. If you didn't lob them back as fast as I serve them then it wouldn't be worth it. Also I can't finish your sentences in my head. Do you know how annoying that makes you.

Plus you made me cry once.

Look at you. Laura Ingles out to save the family cow in a snowstorm. Real rugged life you worked for yourself there. You can't really count what you get as SNOW if it doesn't stay around for eight months. (ha ha ha...I wrote as I read) SEE, I had no idea you were going to say the same thing.

But I will give you full props for hurricanes. We get tornadoes but nothing like the storms you do. Plus your god the heat!

Sleep well and only check on him a dozen more times. If he is your only then I understand. I you have more then there are always spares around to take his place.

Night to you. I love these comments but we could talk on email this way too.