First of all I must implore everyone of my beautiful followers to read what Samurai Frog said about the shootings in Arizona. Once again his argument is brilliant.
Instead of repeating what he said here, I want you to look at this face. This is "Christina Greene, a 9 year-old child, born on 11 September 2001, and now dead as a result of post-9/11 paranoia".
If America ever needed a poster child to rally their anger and disgust they feel toward the hate-mongers then she is it. That 9/11 connection (she was born the day the towers fell) makes this more of an imperative to change a broken political system.
It's a sign. Don't ignore it. You will never have a better chance to take back your country and have it live up to the ideals of your Founders.
Please let the madness end here.
this is lovely, may I direct people who visit me to this?
Lazarus Lupin
Of course you can. The more people who get the message the better.
I had to re-post that sweet innocent girl's image at the Eclectic Banana blog, thankyou Cal and to Aaron for saying what i feel.
What a beautiful girl she was. This makes me cry.
Thanks for posting.
The guy I work with knows the Dad and daughter thru little league here in Tucson. I work 1 block from the Safeway where this happened. This is horrendous. I can only hope what should happen does, but knowing nature of the people who encourage this kind of hate, I'm not holding my breath.
Holy crap. One degree of separation. What is the mood in the city like? What are people saying?
It's Monday and people are starting to go back to work. I think they are finding it helpful to work and get their minds on something else. There are a lot of people who are still in a semi-state of shock. Believe it or not, Tucson is the most 'liberal' city in Az. Lots of culture and art etc. Not that say ,Phoenix, doesn't have that, but Phx. is basically the center of the wealthy, right-wing repubs.
Anyway, there are a lot of vigils, memorials and groups of people who are giving their support as best they can. It's all still pretty unreal, 'cause Tucson is usually a pretty quiet place. You've got them that sez he's a loner with no political motivation, to which I say so why did he try to kill a Democrat at a political event. And there are those, like me and you, that think there is a little more involved. I know there is no solid proof yet he listened to Beck, Limbaugh or the Fox news....but gimme a break. He didn't get riled up enough to do this watching reruns of Gilligans Island.
Also people are very upset particularly about the girl that was murdered. Very, very sad.
Back later.
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