Here are some additional images and the opening credits for this new series. I am all over watching this tonight. I have read some nice reviews on it. Many are taking a 'wait and see' approach for fear of being burned again.
We superhero fans are a skittish, fearful bunch of Tree Lemurs aren't we? We just want something with fantasy or comic book elements to be good and we get let down A LOT.
I hope this hits big so that we can point to it as an example of live action superheroes done right (the wink to the audience that the creators GET it's goofy but have FUN with the concept). Iron Man let us do that. Just seeing someone loving their first exposure to that character was a big ol' bowl of SWEET.
So watch the 'cape' tonight on NBC and as usual, tell me what you think.
Just in case you missed this bit of the puzzle..
That is awesome. Thanks for the tip. I have high hopes for this show. It does seem to have the network behind it so maybe it will be given time to find it's audience. They showed the first two episodes tonight and they are repeating them Monday and I think Thursday of next week. They never do that. They want to make sure that no one misses the show. They are acting like a cable network. Maybe a new model is emerging where they no longer just rely on the old fashioned way of counting viewers. That can only be good for shows like Fringe that are much more popular that the traditional numbers tell you.
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