Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fuck You Diabetes

I am already sick of my meals without complex carbs. I don't mind the fruit smoothies but I can feel me craving some of this sugar shit very soon. Tomorrow is shopping day for recipe books and proper groceries so watch that I don't stuff this crap into my pocket. I swear I am becoming a grumpy toddler in only the first week. GAH! Fish? Can I have fish with lemon? I am a mess.

Who is gonna love me now?


Wandering Coyote said...

Remember the sugar free Purdy's!

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

No, no, no! No sweeties for you. Sweetie! Be good.

Glenn Whidden said...

Lemons are good.

By the way, you might want to get a copy of Type 2 Diabetes, Your Healthy Living Guide by the American Diabetes Association. I read the third edition when I was new to the sweet life. I found it to be a decent primer. The fourth is out now. As a Canadian I'm guessing you can skip the short chapter on health insurance. Good luck.

Kal said...

I have read everything online that I could and removed all the bad foods from my house. Tommorrow it's new shopping time and a trip to the bookstore for something that may give me all the info I need in one place. It's pretty depressing

Belle said...

It is depressing to give up food you love. I have some food sensitivities that make my legs hurt. I can't have chocolate or bread or some other things. Very difficult.

Kal said...

I just hate that the things I have to give up also tell my brain that I can and should bitch about it all the more. I suppose I may get tired of that but from past experience it appears I won't.

Megan said...

Hang in there, brother bear. As far as I'm concerned you can bitch in every way possible and as much as you want. As long as you do what it takes to stay alive.

Kal said...

That is my trade off - do what I am suppose too and still bitch and not go blind which is my greatest fear.

M. D. Jackson said...

Kal, from personal experience I promise you it will get easier and better. You will be surprised at how good it feels and soon you will not even miss the sugars. Eventually you will get to a point where you will wonder what you ever saw in that stuff.

Trust me on this.

Kal said...

I do trust you. I just need to bitch my way through it I guess.

DrGoat said...

As long as you stick to what you need to do to stay healthy Cal, you have our permission (like you need it) to bitch all you want. I wouldn't respect anyone who doesn't put up a big fuss when having to do something that is very difficult (at first). Scream bloody murder. We'll have your back.

Kal said...

Thanks you for all your support everyone. It's good to know that I have friends out there.

Cora said...

Ugh, I hear you. I need my sugar. NEED. IT. :-(

Sarah said...

My mom always says sugar is the devil, and whenever she succeeds in goin off of it, and then relapses, she complains how it makes her joints ache.

According to her, it's an inflammatory.

So keep bitchin' and repeat the phrase, "Sugar is the Devil!"

Whatever you gotta do to stay healthy!

Kal said...

And what am I staying healthy FOR exactly? Aren't you married?

Tank Boy said...

Hey Kal
Some very simple advice, when at the grocery store, stick to the outside perimeter. Stay the hell away from the center that is where the processed death is, or as I call it packaged ass-cancer. Meat, vegge and light on the starches less than 6 ounces on the meat too!!

Tank Boy...Out