NO NO NO NO NO...Mila, you said you would go on the date, you have to go on the date. No stupid movie is more important than going to this event. A few hours one night in November - SURELY they can work around you for that time.
Do the right thing here girl. Please don't pull the usual celebrity bullshit and let a lot of people down. I know it's goofy and inconsequencial but it's sure a lot more moving than such dreck as 'The Bachelorette'. I so need a happy story right now.
I am glad Justin is involved now because he will get Mila thinking straight right quick. He knows the good will this can get both of them if they don't come off as a pair of hollywood brats which is the opposite of what is going to happen. It will be great and charming and the buzz around these two will be tremendous. For once, everyone wins.
So Mila - get ready to deliver a sincere mea culpa to the Sgt personally on Skype and tell him you would be honored to join him at the ball.
Then we work on how you are going to wear your hair. You have surprisingly many options.
I also like the idea of Mila wearing glass slippers but I wonder if that is to literal a fashion translation to make. It could be percieved as hacky.

"This Is A Thing Now of the Day: Corporal Kelsey De Santis — the only female currently serving at the Martial Arts Center for Excellence at Marine Corps Base Quantico — turns the tables on Sgt. Scott Moore’s wingman Justin Timberlake by asking him to attend the Marine Corps Ball with her.
Meanwhile, Billy Bush reported on this morning’s Access Hollywood Live that Mila Kunis will not be going on a date with Sgt. Moore after all due to a work-related scheduling conflict. As I see it, Mila has two choices: Skip the movie shoots and go to the Marine Corps Ball with Sgt. Moore, or be branded a traitor for the rest of her days.
I’m sure she’ll make the right decision."
Surely Mila & Justin's agents or PR reps or whoever can spin this for some publicity for their movie and in that way excuse Mila from her work duties that day in Nov?
It sucks that this whole story has to play out in public but once all of this was public it has to get done. And if it's gotta get done then it has to be done right.
It's time the entertainment industry took one for the team. They owe us to make this a magical evening for everyone. They have the tools and people to make something that is not exploitation.
Team Mila and Team Justin and their 'people' are now producing an EVENT. Everyone needs to come off this one looking good and feeling good - ESPECIALLY the public. If we have to eat celebrity crap can't it be a good piece of celebrity crap for once?
I will be paying close attention to this story as it develops. I have been a strong supporter of Miss Kunis here at the 'Cave of Cool' so I want to know that my admiration for her wasn't misplaced.
Sarah, I know I used this reply of post as a post but I was writing in response to your comment the whole time I wrote it. It just turned out that my genius reply was too great to be kept from everyone.
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