I am a huge fan of extreme manifestations of weather. Thunder, lightning, tornadoes, hurricane and now dust storms - I am drawn to the chaos. This footage of a dust storm is very cool. I couldn't believe how silently it arrived. You wouldn't know it was coming until the wind and darkness was right on top of you. I can see now how easily people can get disorientated by a dust storm.
I chose this footage because of the little story going on with the people who are recording it. You can see many other angles of this storm taken from around the city of Phoenix by going to Super Punch.
Wow I've never seen anything like it! Incredible :O)
It's insane.
I figured that such storms are a common occurance where you live as they are in parts of Australia and of course the other desert regions of the world.
I learned today that it's called a 'haboob' which caused the 12 year old in me to snicker childishly.
Great, like 'Uranus' there is another name for something that I can't bring up in polite conversation.
"Looks like a haboob is coming."
"Yea, I haknow. She's bringing us our hadrinks."
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