I was just thinking how much like a media creation the whole Casey Anthony story is. Yesterday's not guilty verdict on the first degree murder charges is the exact kind of twist for a story that was winding down. I bet ten times the number of people who watched the trial on television are now interested in this story. If Casey had been found guilty she would have went away outside of our sight or notice. The story would have faded away. In prison she would not be giving interviews to reporters or making money off book or movie deals. She would only be her cellie's bitch.
However, now with her innocent verdict she is free to be pursued by the media who will want/need to know every detail of her life from now on. She will be prime fuel to power the tabloid monster. Like many other scandalous celebrities before her - she is an industry unto herself now. Get ready for the books and movies and television interviews. I know Oprah is kicking herself that she retired right before snagging the Casey Anthony interview. Of course she has a whole network to popularize and this interview would put her on the cable network map. Remember you read it here first when said interview actually happens.
This whole story makes me sick (especially with the computer searches for such things as 'neck breaking' and 'chloroform' - thanks Google!) but this is what a culture that worship celebrity creates. I am as guilty of indulging in it as the next guy. You don't think I live in fear that one day Selena may snap and take out half an awards ceremony she is hosting? I don't want to know her as anything other than an excellent person and entertainer.
So now we live in the Casey Anthony post-verdict world. Remember we once lived in the OJ Simpson post-verdict world and we survived that. We are are older and wiser now, right?

Lizzie Borden was also found not guilty, but ended up a pariah...but that was before TV and the 24 hour news monster. All I know is....there is something seriously wrong with Miss Anthony and our legal system.
It's the PWGE - Pretty White Girl Effect. When it comes to girls going missing or girls committing horrible crimes, Pretty White Girl trumps everything else. It gets more coverage and more commentary than any other kind of story.
And don't worry about Casey Anthony - her character flaws will be her downfall. You can count on that.
The fact that 'Showbiz Tonight' covered this trial tells you everything you need to know about the kind of story this has become. You must see lots of Nancy Grace too who I fear is going to blow a blood vessel in her head over this one which upon reflection would be a good thing. She is such a shrill harpy.
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