Friday, July 22, 2011

Hunting For A Sea Monster

What could be better to watch that the two Hillstrand brothers (The Time Bandit) from 'Deadliest Catch' searching for a lake monster in a high latitude Alaskan lake after they watch a pretty convincing piece of video evidence? Nothing, that's what.

This totally appeals to the childhood Calvin who read about every cryptid he could and dreamed of such a monster hunt. This, however, is not myth. This is reality and pretty compelling reality at that. The both met their white whale. The look on Andy's face when he lost the creature they finally hooked was similar to the look on every sailor's face who ever faced the unknown.

The love between the brothers is evident as is their boyish, mischievous charm. I loved the chase and was on the edge of my seat to see them actually catch the 'monster' just to see what they would do at that point. Now I would be crapping my pants and running for my life but these two walk their talk and that is refreshing.

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