Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's Pronounced Chutzpah - The C Is Silent

I give up. This is what passes for a candidate for President these days?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The woman's an idiot in sooooooo many ways.

TS Hendrik said...

There are a thousand reasons not to like her, that's really not one of them for me. I've heard it pronounced that way by so many people. I like to pronounce it with extra phlegm in the back of the throat.

DrGoat said...

Not liking her puts it sort of mildly. It's witch burners like her that are dragging this country back into the 17th century. These people might very well destroy what America was supposed to be about.

Kal said...

She CAN'T be the devil guys. The devil would never be this stupid. For me it's all the stupid things she says and does collectively. But she is entertaining. I gotta say I didn't see this one coming. It's a classic. You would think that someone wishing to be President would take the time to learn ONE frickin' word of Yiddish? That is some fantastic tunnel vision.

Belle said...

Did you hear how she signed some kind of document that said African Americans were better off when they were slaves because their families stayed together?!!! Yes, she signed it.

Kal said...

Someone needs to tell her that the slaves can vote now. Oh and that they were emancipated by George Washington riding My Little Pony. Let's get out facts correct here.

Daisy said...

She is kind of a knucklehead.

LegalMist said...

Palin lowered the bar so far, that now every idiot with an overblown impression of him/herself and a complete lack of actual knowledge thinks he/she can be president.
