The head of an employers' lobby group has been sacked after he said women were paid less because menstruation made them less productive.
Alasdair Thompson, of New Zealand's Employers and Manufacturers Association, told a radio programme there were 'issues' for women not covered by workplace pay figures.
'Why do they take the most sick leave? Women do, in general,' he said. 'Why? Because once a month, they have sick problems - not all of them, but some do.'
Alasdair Thompson, of New Zealand's Employers and Manufacturers Association, told a radio programme there were 'issues' for women not covered by workplace pay figures.
'Why do they take the most sick leave? Women do, in general,' he said. 'Why? Because once a month, they have sick problems - not all of them, but some do.'
Strange subject, we all know it happens, we all know about the mood swings but mention it and you get stoned in public, this bloke isnt allowed to have an opinion. Right or wrong I thought it was a right to have an opinion?...even a bad or wrong opinion
I totally get what you are saying. If we even hint at the fact that someone of the female gender may act different and be more angry at a certain part of the month we are branded by the lot of them as being insensitive. And it's a different day for each one of them.
This guy is an arrogant dickhole. I'm sick of all the TV time he's getting here in NZ. Hopefully a sheep will get stuck in a fence soon and he'll finally be pushed out of the media feed.
Men can be angry assholes 365 days a year and what does it get them? The boss's job.
Hey, Sister Debra, I am with you. You are preaching to the converted.
'Hopefully a sheep will get stuck in the fence soon' was the funniest thing I heard anyone say about New Zealand ever. Brilliant Nick. You should try writing for a living.
Maybe it's progress that at least menstrating is accepted as "real" now and not believed to be made up like in the past?
But the glass ceiling is no joke. It's still there despite all the gender equality advances in recent decades.
I have to take your word for the glass ceilings. I never get invited to the executive suites. So I guess in this case you have a man and a woman being discriminated against by THE MAN.
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