Saturday, October 22, 2011

Are You Freaking Kidding Me?

I even ONE of you worthless bible humping fucks does ANYTHING to mess with Halloween then I only wish hell for you. You already take away anything fun that I remember from my childhood and if you could, you would forbid both dancing and pooping, two things that ABSOLUTELY are deal breakers with me.

So if it comes between me, the candy and your stupid ignorant cult messages then you will have made yourself a very difficult enemy. Let the kids have their candy and go protest something that doesn't make you look like total assholes.

Check out for the original story.


Unknown said...

I wish people would just leave things alone.

Wings1295 said...

Some people are just bound and determined to make sure everything is all white bread and vanilla and - more importantly - just the way THEY want it. We have to remain steadfast in keeping things open and free for all, not just the religious whackos!

M. D. Jackson said...

Which is really ironic because Halloween started out as a quasi religious festival -- All Hallow's Eve, anyone? It was originally a way of honouring souls that were held in purgatory.

Drake said...

I bet the JesusWeenies will be hearing a lot of "JESUS just give me the CANDY!" on Halloween.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

JesusWeen? What, do they all get to dress up as disciples?

Sam G said...

Um...isn't ween another term for dick?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the shoutout, homeslice.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Hey, we girls from the projects gotta stick tight..aight?

Gristle McNerd said...

Well that bumper sticker's just asking... someone should find out where they park and answer the question. I bet the owner would be delighted.

(The answer being, of course, "No, of course not! What a silly question!")