Saturday, October 15, 2011

Daily Reminder - Don't Let Them Distract You With Their Shiny Baubles


Belle said...

There is No way to make an octopus look pretty. Yuck.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Didn't that belong to the Duchess of Windsor?

Unknown said...

I would totally wear that. I'd be the fucking belle of the ball goddammit!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

sigh, another collaborator who goes straight for the sparkly buttons and flashy bait. Why not just show your belly in the jungle and be done with it?

Unknown said...

But.....sparkles.....and cephalopods. And glitter. It would look faboosh with my sparkly gold heels. *pout* You may mock me for my fashion choices but goddammit I'm FABBING FUCKULOUS!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh I am not denying your fablucousnesses...I am just saying that you don't have to make such dangerous choice with your accessories. Would you wear a clubbed baby seal as a hat? Would you wear swastika mittens?

I hope my hatred for the octopus in no way affects our friendship.