I like to ask some advice. What would you recommend I do if I want to connect with more kindred spirits who design their blogs and see the world like I do? I have many of those that are already on my blogroll and who I follow on Tumblr. It's just not enough anymore.
I am looking to expand my fan base. Maybe find some fresh bitter sarcastic voices to add to the conversation around here which, if we can all be honest, is not very stimulating as of late.
I blame no one for that but myself. I am not creating the kind of stuff that gets the attention of others enough. I want to find more people who see the world in the same way as my followers do and how I do. I want to make my opportunities to make creative connections to increase. I want people who find my image selections welcome and not intrusive.
I seem to keep the interest of some people for awhile but then they leave me. More contacts mean I can absorb those hurts that come from the lose of followers. Like with all the friends I lost in REAL life, this will be much easier for me to take.
I just get this way when I start to twitch about Christmas coming and my desire to stop taking any of the meds that currently I do. But I will wait until my years worth of blood and urine tests are analyzed for their medically value - see how much I have improved or got worse. Failure means I abandon that doctor and go die in the words as the gods intended. I promise you no more big pharmacy meds after that.
I promise that nothing less than an ad in the local paper naming me his tomato eating patient of the year get's me back into his office if I don't come out of this will. I can find some kid on the street to disperse me the meds that really will help me out.
Did I mention that sometimes at night when it get quiet I am starting to hear music. Nothing recognizable but notes just the same. Very faint. Tell me if you know of other people with the same 'quirk' who went crazy.
I can't go to the mental hospital in Ponoka. They don't allow outside slippers and mine are so wonderfully broken in.
Does this action figure look like my friend Malibu. I would love to send it to her if it does. She won't know because she never reads my stuff so don't be afraid to give me your honest opinion.

Honestly, I find more people though twitter networking than anywhere else. I think you'd probably find plenty of like souls there once you weed out the useless ones.
Sorry, I've been moving the past 5 days and busy with work, haven't had too much time to be on in a week or two. There was no internet except via phone. Plus American Thanksgiving. My pops came out. Lovely affair really. I have you on my Google Reader and you're one of the first thing I check. Sometimes people have outside lives, dear. But it doesn't mean we've vamoosed permanently.
Cal, I've only recently stumbled across your blog. Tell you one thing, it is a guaranteed chuckle or 'oh wow', daily.
Be it from an amusing photo, old poster, or just some non sequitur post.
Don't worry so much. We Canucks have thick skins.
(A word of advice though, stay off the political pathways. Your support for the Occupy idots and off the cuff remarks about the police are prime targets for people do dump and run.)
Keep up the blog mister. It's a looooo00OO00ong winter.
I understand real life Daskaea. My please are to the people who have never commented.
Thanks for what you said John. Can I still make fun of the Mormons? They are just so goofy.
I just recently signed up for gmail. So I could comment on YOUR blog. Been reading your blog and cracking up at your version of LOL cats for at least the past year. Turn off the TV, stream yourself some music from Pandora & get away from any of the Xmas bullshit being crammed down your throat. Go outside, look at the stars (it's clear in our neck of the woods tonight) Don't take yourself off of the meds. Been there, done that. Crappy idea. And the music? If you are like my friend Aaron, and you are msically inclined, write stuff down. Or-here: http://bps-research-digest.blogspot.com/2008/04/hearing-music-that-isnt-there.html
And also, I can't recommend reading thebloggess.com enogh...
Thanks for your kind words Paula. is bloggess your blog perhaps. I added it to my list after spending some time there. Good stuff too. Hope to talk to you for awhile now that you are here.
No. I have no blog. She just cracks my ass up.
I plan on spending time on your blog for a long time...:D
Your blog is the sole reason I signed up for a Google account (and one more password). You bring colour and cheer to our winterbound lives, and I'm glad you're out there.
Great, someone else whose stuff I will never read or someone I will never see a picture of. I guess you can guess that I am a visual guy. No worries. Just glad to have you in the Cave.
Okay. Here, Now iz you happy?
I made most of my friends by commenting on their blogs on a regular basis. I would say that is the best way to keep people with you. Find some people with the same interests as you, comment on their blogs every day and I think you will make some great friends.
I'm on Facebook... does that count as a blog?
Do you have a Facebook account? You can do more real-time connection there, too. I used to have a Facebook Profile but about a year ago, FB said they do not allow cats so I had to change to a Fan Page.
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