Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The World Is Not Enough - Day 2 - Met The Doctor

For a guy that is suppose to be in worse shape that I am, my test numbers support the fact that I am still relatively healthy. Fat but healthy nonetheless. My blood pressure had to be taken twice (again) because it seemed too good to be true (I blame all the garlic filled olives that I eat) and my cholesterol is that of a toddle existing entirely on Cheerios.

Tomorrow I have to go for the stress test. No doubt they dress me in a loin cloth while covering my body in sensors. Then they record my reactions while I fight a young polar bear cub to the death. I am going in the morning - hopefully that will mean I get an opponent that is still sleepy from the night before.

For some stupid reason I gained 4 lbs between last Friday and this Wednesday? It must have been the double cheeseburger with fries that I used to end my fast. I am such a loser. There is no way I can loose this weight without some kind of surgery. Someone may have to slice this fat bastard up and be done with it.

If I can't get all thin by bikini season, then who will love me?


DrGoat said...

Take your sword with you just in case. Take no chances and no quarter. Good hunting.

Wings1295 said...

Don't focus on the few pounds, focus on all the other good info! And keep doing what you're doing, seems to be working. Have you added any exercise to your routine? It helps to lose the weight, Cal! :)