Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The New View From My Failure

Today I had an appointed with my awesome weight loss doctor (yes I have TWO doctors - hate the Socialist Paradise I live in, not the patient) and found out that despite feeling energetic and positive (mostly) all month that I had gained ten pounds (311). That was discouraging.

My cloths have been feeling too large on me and I have had to catch the waistband of my pj pants more than a few times in the past week. If I hadn't then all the people in the neighborhood would have gotten a full view of my shame. I guess the rounder parts of me just shifted to other parts of me and invited a few more of their fat cell buddies to the party.

I had spent the last month watching everything that I ate while resisting the lure of all the foods that got me into this mess in the first place. I walked most everyday. I lifted weights and tried to push myself into painful yoga positions. I thought I was doing everything right. GAH!

I think you can see from the fact that I posted a CATHY cartoon - something definitely NOT cool, that I am going to be sad all day long. The SAD kind of sad combined with the PATHETIC kind of sad. Oh well. I can console myself knowing that I have an appointment this afternoon to learn how to use the appliance that will tell me if I have SLEEP APNEA or not. I suspect with my broad expansive girth that I probably do. It might explain why I don't get a lot of restful sleep.

Is it wrong for me to be fascinated with this whole life changing process despite the fact that I am the damaged creature at the center of the experiment? My Dad would always tell me that I never did anything half way. If I was committed to something I either failed or succeeded in spectacular fashion. I was just so hoping to be spectacular today.

Speaking of something I do well - I got a nice compliment from my nurse this morning about my blog. I didn't expect her to check it out and at first I was a bit frightened that I had revealed too much about myself. But then I just soaked in the praise like the huge dry sponge that I am. I may be a total failure as a skinny man but as a blogger I got my shit together.

So two more weeks to see if I can turn the numbers around. I will have to become even more of a food Nazi with myself and resist, resist, resist. It's all about fine tuning this engine so that I don't die prematurely.

After all, I have so many other things to complain about and many more hillbilly bigots to offend.



Wings1295 said...

Just keep at it, Cal!

A site I have been using, that is good to keep things in a visual form, is

Helps to keep my mind on what I am doing!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks for that. I needed something to keep track of my bad eating and educate me on what I am ACTUALLY eating.

Wings1295 said...

Use it! Keep it up in your browser all day. Put all you eat into it - be honest - and also use the exercise tab. Be honest and see how you are really doing and where you need to work!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Don't get discouraged, Cal, 10 pounds is just a bump in the road. You can do it!

csmith2884 said...

friend me there csmith2884 I use it everyday it helps

Sarah said...

Don't let a minor setback derail you--you've still done great since you started the good fight! I think about you often and share your stories with a friend of mine that was recently diagnosed with Type II diabetes :)

Belle said...

Well, I am really sorry you are pathetically sad and you gained 10 lbs, but you have done such a good job this year. You got that diabetes under control I think you said, and that is fantastic. I know you will keep trying and that's all we can do. I love the fact the nurse knew your blog! Very nice.

M. D. Jackson said...

Don't get too freaked out. Weight loss is like that. I have had many times when I felt great and slimmer and then discovered that the numbers didn't reflect that.

It's a process. Embrace the process and the results will come.