Monday, May 14, 2012

When Were You Going To Tell Me?

"Vidal Sassoon is dead? What the hell am I gonna do with this wicked cowlick now?"


Super-Duper ToyBox said...


Belle said...

Love it. Those are some dangerous looking teeth.

Nathan said...

He died shortly after the story about Mitt Romney forcibly cutting a classmate's hair was picked up by the media. I have to wonder if there's a connection there.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Mittens killed Sassoon? Strangely that makes sense when added to my own investigation into this so called 'death by natural causes'. They found Vidal without his hair spray utility belt. He would never leave his home without it. Very suspicious when someone see's it and another dog on the top of Mitt's car. I just want some answers to all my nagging questions.