Thursday, July 12, 2012

63 Days Is The Record

By the end, that poor bastard was just begging for death.



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Stoffers and Soup Cans were how I survived college. I guess that puts me in the minority.

Brothermidnight said...

After 3 straight weeks you better hope you are stocked up on toilet paper.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Like Eric, my college days preceded ramen noodles, which I understand is the current staple of students everywhere. My basics were grilled cheese sandwiches and Campbell's soup. Ketchup sandwiches if things were tight.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I ate at the campus cafeteria most of the time, keeping up a balance of fresh fruit and veggies and ice cream only on Fridays during the summer. Plus my apartment was only half a mile from campus, so I just walked or rode my bike everywhere. While most students gained the Freshmen Fifteen, I had actually lost twenty pounds by the end of my first year.

Kal said...

I especially like spicey noodle soup when I have a cold. It just burns the virus out.

DrGoat said...

My college days also preceded ramen noodles. It was grilled ham and cheese sandwitches. I went to school in the town I was raised in so I could always hit up Mom for good homemade Italian food.

Pat Tillett said...

I survived on cup-o-noodles, chicken pot pies, and those rolls of biscuits while in college. I'm not sure there was anything from any of the major food groups in any of them. I could eat on about a dollar a day that way.
The good old days....NOT!