Tuesday, July 3, 2012

An Open Letter To All You Stupid Futurists

Something else I was promised that I will never have. In fact there will never be personal helicopters flying between the buildings of the big city. I should have just accepted the cold truth. Such a vehicle would no doubt cause massive carnage on a daily basis. These stupid things would be crashing into each and dropping flaming corpses over a terrified populace several times a day. It would be a nightmare. People drive their cars like idiots already. Can you imagine my 71 year old mother buzzing your kid's soccer game because she got distracted by the rossary hanging from her rear view mirror? It would happen.

1 comment:

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Reminds me of when I was a kid and saw the flying cars on "The Jetsons" with their astonishingly clear skyways and wondered "Who made this show? And what kind of drugs was he on?"