Tuesday, July 3, 2012

If You Needed Some Money You Could Have Came To Me For A Loan, Dracula

The book tells me that he is flush with cash and then I see him endorsing glow in the dark putty? Is there a product he won't put his name on? It's sad really. When I was a kid Dracula stood for something but these days, he is just another Kardashian. How much is too much, Count? HOW MUCH?


Unknown said...

They call him "Count Dracula" for a reason....Because of all the money he counts lol.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

He's a bloodsucker! What do you expect?

Powdered Toast Man said...

I just ordered 12 cases of that putty, only because it is endorsed by Dracula.

shezcrafti said...

Why has nobody mentioned Dracula's bleeding thumb? Are we keeping his diabeetus on the down low?

Kal said...

OMG...he really just tested himself. Or is the putty suppose to come from him - Dracula's body fluids have the concistency of putty.