Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Australian Heat Means Above Freezing Here In Alberta

Imagine a world where temperatures can reach above 50F. Those are the kind of temperatures that Australia has experienced this winter. All that moisture and heat in the air means even more energy for storms to draw upon like never before leading to cyclones and hurricanes that will be historically memorable and make Hurricane Sandy look like a light summer breeze.

The temperatures here in the Prairies could reach +7C in JANUARY. It's in the winter and in the sweltering summer to come that we really feel it. I am not a fan of freezing rain because that treatens the power lines and satellite signals and that inconveniences me. So I need the temperature to fall. We don't need an early spring because that leads to all kinds of summer drought problems. I live near the Rocky Mountains where the moisture from the west drops on the other side of the mountains and the air that comes off the rocks heading east warms as it desends and we get a classic Chinook which can happen at this time of year.



D.I. Felipe González said...

We are having an unsual warm winter in the subtropical regions of México too. Yesterday I was working at 23ºC!

Kal said...

If I wanted to check your temp what city would I look near? What should be the temp in January?

D.I. Felipe González said...

Check Mexico City. Temperature should have been around 18ºC. The good news are that we are not speending too much electricity in heater.

Kal said...

Who knew you would be the continent's garden spot.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So we have Australia to thank for this current balmy period, do we?

Hobgoblin238 said...

It is cold in this part of Mexico...

But I actually considered moving to Csnada at one point...Watching 30 days of night although set in Alaska, convinced me not to.

Kal said...

Canada has beautiful summers where I am. We have a neighby late to moderate the hottest of days. Really the garden spot.

You betcha Debra. It's all a system. Think of water in the tub. Eventually the hot water coming from the tap will move and warm the entire tub. It's at those points where hot meets cold you get all the violent weather. But you already knew that didn't you?

30 Days of Night is a myth. The Polar Bears and Sasquatches will get you long before the vampires will.