You and me both pal. Its moments like this were you think about a major movie from another character's perspective.
Personally I like to think of "Top Gun" from Iceman's point of view. Heres a guy who does his best to be number one but this hotheaded idiot keeps getting in his way.
I hate The Wizard Of Oz which my mother thought was a new movie while she was watching it at Christmas. It's the moment I knew she was getting old.
Don't get me started on Top Gun. They have a height requirement for jet pilots don't they? I would have ejected Tom if I was Goose and worked on my alibi on the way home.
I remember you and I talked about our opinions on Oz back and forth sometime last year and how my Mom recalled it as her favorite because when it came on TV, it was "An Event" and you reflected a similar story with your Dad lighting up the barbecue for when "Star Wars" came on.
Its been years since I watched the Wizard of Oz as I find tend to be "critically indifferent" when it comes to fantasy films. I'm not too keen on the upcoming "Great and Powerful Oz" movie either. The graphics look too "Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland" and I'm starting to think James Franco will never get back to "127 Hours" level of acting at this rate.
Don't forget, at the graduation scene in "Top Gun" Tom Cruise is standing right next to Tim Robbins, and could be used as a height measurement guide like they have outside of roller coasters. "You must be between this tall and this short to ride into the Danger Zone".
I could watch Star Wars ever time it's on but The Wizard Of Oz, only once and never ever again. It's the devil and I still can't believe my mother thought it was just out this year. I wish I could be that oblivious while watching TV.
Now I LOVE Return to Oz, Daschund. It ditches all the bullshit music and makes the whole adventure scary as hell. Fairuza is amazing and her allies are shakey and those 'wheelies' are terrifying. It's a great adventure to show a little girl, like myself.
The thing I most remember about my last viewing of the film (2010 I think) was a scene in the beginning when Dorothy is walking on railing to the pigpen and falls in, and doesn't have a single spec of mud on her dress when she gets out.
I forever stand vigilant to protect this planet from the myriad of forces that are always against us. Be it the octopus, zombies, aliens or the robots my team of human agents, and our feline allies, circle the globe in a never ending struggle for human freedom.
I learn all I can on every subject that interests me. I especially enjoy ancient history because in the past there are valuable lessons to be found. Also, if I ever get my time machine to work properly, it would be good to know a bit about possible destinations and what to expect when I get there.
I greatly appreciate beautiful design. Be it manufactured or found naturally I am fascinated by the process of invention. I am attracted to the unique, the strange, the haunted. I like to share what I find on this blog.
And not let us forget the 'Cephalopod Menace' who, if allowed to, would wrap their tentacles around all that is good and pure in this life and crush it until it remained no more. They are creatures of pure spite. Hate is all they know. Death is all they do. They are our most ruthless and determined enemy.
So we fight. Selena has the celebrity contacts, the cat is ruthless and without pity, Roosevelt's ghost has the experience and I do the wetwork.
Fighting for the future of the planet doesn't have to be a chore, however. We can take the time to appreciate all that is cool in this world even as we cut the octopus into bite sized chunks.
This is the reason there has always been and must forever be, a Cave of Cool. Be sure to wipe your feet before you enter.
You and me both pal. Its moments like this were you think about a major movie from another character's perspective.
Personally I like to think of "Top Gun" from Iceman's point of view. Heres a guy who does his best to be number one but this hotheaded idiot keeps getting in his way.
I hate The Wizard Of Oz which my mother thought was a new movie while she was watching it at Christmas. It's the moment I knew she was getting old.
Don't get me started on Top Gun. They have a height requirement for jet pilots don't they? I would have ejected Tom if I was Goose and worked on my alibi on the way home.
I remember you and I talked about our opinions on Oz back and forth sometime last year and how my Mom recalled it as her favorite because when it came on TV, it was "An Event" and you reflected a similar story with your Dad lighting up the barbecue for when "Star Wars" came on.
Its been years since I watched the Wizard of Oz as I find tend to be "critically indifferent" when it comes to fantasy films. I'm not too keen on the upcoming "Great and Powerful Oz" movie either. The graphics look too "Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland" and I'm starting to think James Franco will never get back to "127 Hours" level of acting at this rate.
Don't forget, at the graduation scene in "Top Gun" Tom Cruise is standing right next to Tim Robbins, and could be used as a height measurement guide like they have outside of roller coasters. "You must be between this tall and this short to ride into the Danger Zone".
I could watch Star Wars ever time it's on but The Wizard Of Oz, only once and never ever again. It's the devil and I still can't believe my mother thought it was just out this year. I wish I could be that oblivious while watching TV.
Now I LOVE Return to Oz, Daschund. It ditches all the bullshit music and makes the whole adventure scary as hell. Fairuza is amazing and her allies are shakey and those 'wheelies' are terrifying. It's a great adventure to show a little girl, like myself.
The thing I most remember about my last viewing of the film (2010 I think) was a scene in the beginning when Dorothy is walking on railing to the pigpen and falls in, and doesn't have a single spec of mud on her dress when she gets out.
Here's a website you might enjoy of equally accurate if slightly misleading movie summaries.
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