Friday, January 25, 2013

Won't Someone Please Think Of The Kitties


Big thanks to Mike D over at Cultural Compulsion Disorder for sending me this great clip from the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and a collection of cards and stickers and comics and posters he picked up on his various convention treks.

I, of course, am terrified of people so going to a live convention would probably freak me out. It's nice to see the events from someone else's eyes. I also would be too afraid to approach the creators for autographs but Mike has no problem getting a Hellboy poster signed for me by the man, Mike Mignola himself. That was very cool to find in the box.

I post over at CCD which I hope many of you are still checking out on a daily basis. Nothing but the best in pop culture news and views. This short film about Catnip is great.I love how this short lovingly recreated those trippy educational films they would show us as kids. So if you have a cat, education is your best defense against the scourge of catnip. If the trailer appeals to you, you can watch the entire short below.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hilarious and deeply sobering at the same time, says HRH. She doesn't do nip but she likes a nice sniff of minty breath now and again.