How can such an abomination be allowed to occur?
If such things matter to you tell me what you think of this casting choice. MY April O'Neil doesn't have disgusting TOE THUMBS. For a pretty girl who thinks she needs plastic surgery, she should have fixed those mutant thumbs first. They are worse than people with bad feet that wear flip flops.
You're asking the wrong guy. I was willing to give her a free pass because I figured she was a young actress who was stuck with a lot of bad material and then she did that Motorola commercial and that eliminated any good will I might have had for her.
I care so very little because it's already a Michael Bay film, and I've seen dick from this guy that I would ever expect to enjoy a single project he's associated with. I read the Turtles before they had a cartoon, before they had their RPG from Palladium. I stood in line for the original film. But I could give a Splinter's ass about this flick.
It weird for me that it's not about Michael Bay or Megan Fox. It's about her toe thumbs. She has thumbs shaped like they are toes. You know if you lose your thumbs you can replace them with your second toe and IT WILL WORK. She was born with weird thumbs. Therefor she should not make movies. Not her fault. It genetics.
Oh and Captain...your ennui is delicious to me. Really. That is some high quality 'I don't give a fuck'. I hate Michael Bay in the same way and will never watch anything else he does.
Am not for sure on this subject or not yet so I will just have to wait and see.
I thought The Mandarin was a joke, so I have no right to speak. I will just wait and hope for the best...while expecting the worse.
I'm not very fond of her being cast as April. I have nothing against her, I just don't see her being April. I could be entirely wrong on this, but I just don't see it. Like all I know from Megan Fox is that everyone thinks she's hot and she has this pretty girl snark, and that is not what I think of when I think of April O'Neil.
She would've been fine before all that plastic surgery.
It's the toe thumbs. Go look for a picture of her hands then look at her thumbs and freak out.
I suppose how they look and act and talk and move will be more important but getting April wrong at the start is a bad sign. Michael Bay always makes such bad decisions with all his resources.
She actually bears a stunning resemblance to the original April O'Neil from the comics. I know everybody here probably knows her best from the cartoon, but... there's other source material to consider.
Haha, getting hung-up on something superficial like thumbs is pretty hilarious.
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